HAMLIN PARK GYM: Tom Weinberg interviews Coach BILL HEGLIN and amateur boxers: DAVID DIAZ, National Golden Gloves Jr. Welterweight Champion; FRES OQUENDO, 1993 National Golden Gloves Heavyweight Champion; and IVAN PIACCO, 11-year old State Jr.Olympic Champion. Tour of old Riverview park site along the Chicago River.
00:00Copy video clip URL Three girls in gym play hitting a punching bag. A boxer enters and starts on a bag.
01:39Copy video clip URL B-roll of the gym.
01:45Copy video clip URL The girls continue hitting on the punching bag. The boxer continues on the bag.
03:30Copy video clip URL Kids again on the bag
04:34Copy video clip URL Videographer asks the girls if they pretend the bag is someone they know.
05:23Copy video clip URL Ivan Piacco, 11-year old Junior State Champ practices on punching bag.
06:03Copy video clip URL Interview with Bill Heglin who talks about Ivan, the state’s junior champ. Interview questions: What’s the difference between fighting and boxing? Tell me about David Diaz (former National Champ, Junior Olympics). Heglin talks about youth championship boxing and his own former career as a boxer. Heglin talks about David Diaz being an Olympic contender; he talks about Hamlin Park’s track record.
10:06Copy video clip URL Heglin talks about the stereotype of a boxer: poor kids who are tough. He explains that the boxing program at Hamlin Park is about getting kids off the street and constructively learning the skill and science of boxing. He talks about the pleasure in seeing dedicated kids grow into athletes.
11:43Copy video clip URL Heglin talks about the Golden Glove charity event.
12:47Copy video clip URL Interview question: When are the Golden Gloves?
13:04Copy video clip URL Interview question: Does boxing (amateur boxing) get a bum rap? Discussion about how boxing has become socially legitimate.
14:54Copy video clip URL Interview question: What makes a guy like you do this, work in the gym with kids? Heglin talks about the value of the Chicago Park District.
15:45Copy video clip URL Interview question: How many kids do you have in the program?
16:41Copy video clip URL Interviewer asks how long David Diaz has been in the program, then asks about Fres Oquendo, heavyweight champ, and what the future could hold for him. Question: A guy goes pro, what does that mean? Heglin talks about the pro and amateur boxing scene in Chicago.
18:39Copy video clip URL Interview question: What do you look for in a kid? How long do kids train here?
21:22Copy video clip URL Introduction of Fres Oquendo.
22:13Copy video clip URL Interview question: Tell me about boxing?
22:35Copy video clip URL What’s it like to get knocked out? Are you afraid of getting knocked out? What kind of fighter are you?
23:17Copy video clip URL Fres throws punches at the camera.
23:52Copy video clip URL Interview question: Do you have a nickname?
24:19Copy video clip URL Danny Nieves, another coach and former pro boxer, introduced. Interview question: What are you going to do today? Nieves says he will take David into the ring for a workout.
25:35Copy video clip URL Nieves works with David in the ring.
26:52Copy video clip URL B-roll of kid looking on and watching David train; b-roll David in ring continuing his workout.
28:43Copy video clip URL B-roll kids watch outside ring; wide shot of gym with David in the ring boxing; b-roll of the gym.
29:36Copy video clip URL David finishes his workout. Ivan enters the ring for his workout with trainer.
33:02Copy video clip URL Interview with David Diaz, National Golden Gloves champ. He talks about his family.
34:45Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.
35:09Copy video clip URL Interview question: How did you find out about this park and this program?
35:54Copy video clip URL Video drop outs, stop/start digitize.
35:59Copy video clip URL Interview question: How long have you been coming to this gym?
36:36Copy video clip URL David talks about his interest for the future and his educational goals.
37:52Copy video clip URL Fres enters ring for training.
41:15Copy video clip URL B-roll of the gym, gear, various boxers training.
41:47Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.
42:19Copy video clip URL Tom Weinberg jokes around with Fres. Interview questions: How did you become a champ? What’s next for you? How long have you been fighting? What about body building? Fres talks about ability and skill versus muscle mass.
46:12Copy video clip URL Interview question: Who are you most like in style? Fres talks about Muhammad Ali.
47:39Copy video clip URL B-roll of Heglin training young boxers; kids in training.
48:45Copy video clip URL Quick interview with kid boxer.
49:13Copy video clip URL Poster of Junior Olympic boxing.
49:20Copy video clip URL Heglin shows a bulletin board full of clippings, talks about a fight fest boxing show at which the various park districts compete. Interview question: What did you do before working at the park district? Heglin talks about his career.
51:13Copy video clip URL B-roll of boxers working out, jumping rope.
51:59Copy video clip URL B-roll of various signs in gym; b-roll: wide shot of the gym.
52:36Copy video clip URL Heglin offers disclaimer for women viewers: amateur boxing is controlled and supervised and not harmful to young kids.
53:18Copy video clip URL Location change. Nature walk along a river at the former site of Riverview amusement park. Tom tours the grounds reminiscing
54:48Copy video clip URL Shot of river.; Tom contemplates by the river.
55:27Copy video clip URL Camera continues along the parameter of the Riverview park site.
55:56Copy video clip URL B-roll of passerby, cyclists.
56:11Copy video clip URL One passerby talks about the old days when Riverview park was in existence.
57:29Copy video clip URL END TAPE.
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