[Chicago Slices raw: Joe Cummings At Emily Oaks Nature Center In Skokie, Donna Robinson]

SKOKIE 60076: JOE CUMMINGS interviews with staff and visitors of the Emily Oaks Nature Center in Skokie. Here's My Story woman, DEBORAH ROBINSON talks about the time she got her hair caught in the dishwasher.

00:00Copy video clip URL Camera operator readys a shot, but host Joe Cummings discourages it.

00:10Copy video clip URL B-roll of Emily Oaks Nature Center: pond, plants, flowers.

00:38Copy video clip URL Off-camera a woman talks to Cummings about the pond and its wildlife (turtles, fish, racoons, cotton tails, and that the pond was dug by the WPA in the 1930s) as we see images of the pond.

01:45Copy video clip URL Static and video drop outs.

01:54Copy video clip URL Continued shots of the pond while Cummings and a staffer talk about the center’s wildlife.

02:30Copy video clip URL Static and video drop outs.

02:34Copy video clip URL Continued b-roll of the pond and wildlife. Cummings and the staffer talk about the wildlife and the nature center.

03:43Copy video clip URL Camera operator follows along a walking path; Cummings shows off his bird caller.

04:17Copy video clip URL Various exterior b-roll of the nature center: grassland, pond.

04:42Copy video clip URL Two kids fish, Cummings talks with them about what they’ve caught.

06:06Copy video clip URL Interior nature center: b-roll of the main area.

06:19Copy video clip URL Cummings and staffer Leigh walk along an outdoor path talking about the nature center, its mission, and characteristics. The grassland at the nature center preserves what Skokie looked like one hundred years ago. The animals found there: fox, owl, possum, rabbits, turtles, and snakes.

09:10Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.

09:24Copy video clip URL Cummings interviews Leigh: where do you get volunteers? They talk about training for summer camp counselors and what activities are anticipated for kids, what kind of fish are in the pond, the Canadian geese.

13:49Copy video clip URL B-roll of geese and camp fire circle.

14:07Copy video clip URL Leigh talks about the geese.

14:58Copy video clip URL Camera operator asks if there are plans to bring dinosaurs to the center. This leads to a comment that the center is here to show kids that nature is not scary.

15:54Copy video clip URL Camera operator walks through grassland to summer camp counselors. Camera operator and Cummings interview all the counselors: what’s challenging about the work at Emily Oaks Nature Center? What do you like about working with kids? Does a kid come here with respect or with awe? Do they go wild? What are you looking forward to? How did you find out about this job? What drew you here?

21:58Copy video clip URL Cummings talks with Leigh about opportunities at the center for kids of all ages.

23:06Copy video clip URL Camera operator asks Leigh where her enthusiasm comes from. Camera operator then goes to various counselors asking them the same question along with: what’s your favorite animal?

30:45Copy video clip URL Camera operator picks up a late arrival and asks her the same questions. Camera operator walks with the counselors as they head along a path in the rain.

32:38Copy video clip URL Video drop outs. Digitizing stops and starts again.

33:13Copy video clip URL Camera operator interviews another counselor about the games counselors and kids play.

33:51Copy video clip URL Interior of the center: camera operator moves through various staffers and counselors asking what their favorite Skokie animal is.

35:06Copy video clip URL Deborah Robinson in her home kitchen tells of how her hair became trapped in the dishwasher and had to be cut out by a neighbor. The same story is told and re-told using multiple camera set ups.

43:25Copy video clip URL END TAPE.



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