[Chicago Slices raw: Joe Cummings in Skokie, Ricki Lake press party]

SKOKIE 60076: Joe Cummings asks Skokie residents, "What do they mean by 'the Golden Years?'" RICKI LAKE PRESS PARTY: Photo-ops, screenings of promos and commercials during luncheon. Sponsored by WPWR.

00:00Copy video clip URL Joe Cummings asks passersby what they like to do in Skokie in the summer. One man on a bicycle pedals away.

00:10Copy video clip URL An elderly woman named Eleanor says she likes the parks. The town has senior citizen activities and a nature walk for older people.

01:29Copy video clip URL A young woman says the fall is her favorite season for the colors and weather. She likes to bike ride, goes to the Morton Arboretum.

02:02Copy video clip URL B-roll of little kids in a stroller and in their mother’s shopping cart. Sandra introduces them as Joseph and Jeff. Sandra says the fall is her favorite season. The weather is cool and the kids go back to school. She works as a teacher at Middleton School teaching gifted education. She says the “golden years” are the times you enjoy best. Everyone’s golden years are different.

05:20Copy video clip URL A middle aged woman, Ester, says she does fragrance modelling. She likes the area, the convenience, the friendly people. Spring is her favorite time of year. It’s light and bright. Her advice to others is to chill out, life is short. Stop and smell the flowers. She comments on her glitter-covered hat.

07:56Copy video clip URL Ester defines a senior citizen as someone over 55. She defines the golden years as the time when everyone puts you down because you’re over 55. She says other people have to accept senior citizens. And seniors have to do what they can to feel good about themselves.

09:20Copy video clip URL A male passerby says the fall is his favorite time of year. He bike rides and plays baseball. In summer he plays tennis.

09:49Copy video clip URL An older man, Berton, says he plays golf in Skokie for fun. For him the golden years are a fantasy.

11:11Copy video clip URL B-roll of kid pushing shopping carts into grocery store.

11:21Copy video clip URL An Iraqi passerby, Peter Oshana, says his favorite season is summer but he didn’t see it this year, he was too busy working for Hilton Towers. Now he is a factory worker for Motorola. He hasn’t heard of the term “golden years,” but suspects his retirement will be his golden years.

13:42Copy video clip URL An older woman, Idele, says summer is her favorite season. She likes the pool.

14:48Copy video clip URL Interview with three kids: Alex, Aleda, Brianna. They like living in Skokie. Alex rides his bike and gives friends rides. For summer fun they go swimming, enjoy being off of school, and play basketball. For winter fun they enjoy the snow. They talk about seeing a commercial for Chicago Slices. As a group the kids say, “Coming up, we’re going to be on Chicago Slices.” They answer the question “what is Chicago Slices?” A TV show about people.

18:24Copy video clip URL An elderly woman and man, the Levitts, say their favorite season is spring because things warm up, the weather is nice. They spend it in Fort Lauderdale. The man likes summer in Chicago. They say to be a senior citizen means you’re getting old and rusty. There are no golden years they’re brass years because you’re rusting and falling apart. The woman says she appeared on the show Wild Chicago. The woman says to camera: “We’re coming up on Chicago Slices. Good for you.”

22:01Copy video clip URL B-roll of Happy Foods on Oakton sign. Joe Cummings signing off.

22:36Copy video clip URL B-roll of two kids on bikes. One kid, Matthew, says his favorite season is summer. He is from Texas originally, but he’s never seen a cowboy. He says he wants to be a professional basketball player. Michael Jordon is his hero. He says he swims in the park. Winter is also his favorite season for the snowball fights. He says “Chicago Slices!” to the camera. The two kids ride off on bikes.

25:08Copy video clip URL Two takes of Joe Cummings saying, “David Bowie?” to camera.

25:26Copy video clip URL B-roll of two kids riding bikes.

25:37Copy video clip URL B-roll of sign announcing Ricki Lake luncheon.

25:41Copy video clip URL B-roll of luncheon attendees and Ricki Lake chatting and having their picture taken in lobby of Hotel Nikko Chicago. Tom Weinberg is introduced to Lake. She says they’ve recorded 3-weeks worth of her talk show. He explains this show is Chicago Slices. B-roll of luncheon guests fraternizing, meet and greet, Lake chats with everyone. A professional photographer takes pictures. Lake poses with guests for photos.

35:55Copy video clip URL Gayle Steinberg, producer of The Ricki Lake Show re-introduces Lake to Weinberg and talks about a mutual acquaintance they all share.

36:24Copy video clip URL Lake signs an autograph for someone who could not make the event.

37:39Copy video clip URL B-roll of the Ricki Lake luncheon sign.

38:04Copy video clip URL38:04Copy video clip URL" onclick="fitv_window_prompt('https://development-q5nzhaa-ou7jifsrmm4uk.us.platform.sh/video/chicago-slices-raw-joe-cummings-in-skokie-ricki-lake-press-party/?t=38:04Copy video clip URL');">Copy video clip URL38:04Copy video clip URL" /> Audio signal loss. In a ballroom at a luncheon table, Weinberg and two female attendees wear Ricki Lake ball caps and sunglasses and pose for camera.

38:04Copy video clip URL38:04Copy video clip URL" onclick="fitv_window_prompt('https://development-q5nzhaa-ou7jifsrmm4uk.us.platform.sh/video/chicago-slices-raw-joe-cummings-in-skokie-ricki-lake-press-party/?t=38:04Copy video clip URL');">Copy video clip URL38:04Copy video clip URL" /> A man at a podium introduces Steinberg and Lake. Ricki thanks everyone and talks about production of her new talk show. Steinberg speaks about the creation of the show, its market development, the founders of the show, the talk show format and how it is tweaked to include the 18-34 age market, a market not currently served by daytime talk shows. She talks about how their show will distinguish themselves by being original, with an original host and a younger audience appeal, a distinguished production staff.

43:56Copy video clip URL B-roll of audience, Steinberg continues talking. She mentions topics for various shows they’ve recorded: My Mom Disapproves of the Way I Dress, Why am I Attracted to Bad Boys, topics young and old can identify with.

46:25Copy video clip URL Audience asks questions: one about the pilot, how talk shows get real-life guests (Steinberg notes that she shared with another talk show host guests she booked for Lake’s talk show and notes that guest are never paid but their expenses are covered). Another guest asks how a talk show is created for a younger demographic. Steinberg notes that the set is unconventional. It looks more like a New York loft apartment then a traditional talk show. They use man-on-the-street style bumpers a la MTV. The theme music is hip and young.

50:42Copy video clip URL Steinberg and Lake wrap up, the audience claps. The promo for The Ricki Lake Show plays.

53:40Copy video clip URL Audience applauds. B-roll of Lake with luncheon guests, photographer takes pictures of Lake with guests.

55:34Copy video clip URL The videographer follows Lake out of the luncheon and asks, “What’s next?” “More promos and back to New York to see my puppy.” She comments that her dog is a cocker spaniel/poodle mix called Dudley.

56:17Copy video clip URL END



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