[Chicago Slices raw: Joe Cummings In Warren Park]

SKOKIE 60076: JOE CUMMINGS interviews kids in Warren Park. How do you say the word "CHICAGO?," What does it mean, "in order to make a friend, you have to be a friend?" CHRISTINE "KIKI," HEATHER, ALISA, and MARCIE proclaim their undying friendship for each other.

00:00Copy video clip URL Joe Cummings in Warren Park., walks up to a teenager named Mario playing basketball and asks what does the expression “If you want a friend you have to be a friend” mean? Interview with Mario.

01:26Copy video clip URL B-roll of guys playing basketball. Joe calls out: Does anybody want to be on  TV? Joe asks another kid, Rafael, how to pronounce “Chicago,” curious about various dialects and accents. He asks several kids the same question and engages them in conversation.

05:00Copy video clip URL Joe walks around basketball court asking if anyone wants to be on TV. He engages all the kids having them pronounce “Chicago” and asks them where they are from. Many are originally from outside the US.

08:15Copy video clip URL A 20-year old camp counselor approaches. Joe asks him how he pronounces “Chicago.” He engages several young boys in a basketball court with the same questions.

10:10Copy video clip URL Joe repeats his questions to a different group of kids and to a group of girls.

15:43Copy video clip URL B-roll of the girls jumping rope Double Dutch style. Joe asks what the secret is to success at Double Dutch: pick up your feet and jump! Move your legs faster and faster.

20:53Copy video clip URL Stop and re-start digitizing.

20:54Copy video clip URL A girl from Pakistan jumps rope and crisscross.

21:55Copy video clip URL Joe asks the group of girls: what does the expression “if you want a friend you have to be a friend” mean? You have to treat others like you want to be treated, show respect. Be friendly. Be kind.

23:09Copy video clip URL Stop/re-start digitizing.

23:10Copy video clip URL Joe continues asking What does it mean to be a friend? How does friendship work in your neighborhood? How do you be a friend?

25:29Copy video clip URL Stop/re-start digitizing.

25:46Copy video clip URL Joe continues to ask: How do you get a friend? How are  you nice to your friends?

26:49Copy video clip URL Stop/re-start digitizing.

27:48Copy video clip URL Stop/re-start digitizing. Christine “Kiki,” Heather, Alisa talk about how they get friends, who their friends are. “We’re there for each other.” “We were made for each other.” Do you think girls are better at being friends them boys? “No. Everyone is equal.”

30:41Copy video clip URL B-roll of kids on bikes. Videographer asks a little girl if she has a friend. “Yes. Melody.”

31:01Copy video clip URL END



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