[Chicago Slices raw: Johnny Lira]

JOHNNY LIRA, former World Champion of professional boxing and current event promoter and boxing manager of DAVID DAVIS who is hearing impaired; interviews and shots of practice in gym.

00:00Copy video clip URL Videographer Doug Sawyer enters boxing gym, watches boxers spar and work out. Sawyer looks for Johnny Lira. A discussion about fighter David Davis and his career. Ben [Joravsky?], the interviewer, talks with Arthur Moore.

03:24Copy video clip URL Boxers exercise in ring.

03:44Copy video clip URL Close up of rules sign on gym wall.

04:01Copy video clip URL Boxers in ring working out.

04:19Copy video clip URL Arthur shows Ben boxing memorabilia, old photos; he talks about his boxing career and Chicago’s boxing history.

05:13Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.

05:35Copy video clip URL Continued video drop outs. Stop/start digitizing.

05:44Copy video clip URL Arthur continues going through boxing memorabilia and history, and tells of his personal connection to boxing history.

09:28Copy video clip URL Johnny Lira enters. Arthur talks about how Joe Louis lost his fight to Max Schmelling.

15:12Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.

15:27Copy video clip URL Digitizing stops/starts; Arthur continues showing boxing memorabilia: clippings, old tickets, autographed photos.

16:48Copy video clip URL Gym worker on pay phone.

16:59Copy video clip URL Boxers working out in gym.

19:02Copy video clip URL B-roll of memorabilia book.

19:07Copy video clip URL Interview with David Davis, one of the state’s top fighters. Lira, his manager, uses sign language to tell David how important his weight is in order to qualify for upcoming fights.

20:28Copy video clip URL Lira and Davis in conference with Davis’ trainer Gene Kelly.

21:23Copy video clip URL Start interview with Johnny Lira, his former life as a fighter,  the fears and pleasures of boxing, how many times his nose has been broken, how he got started in boxing.

23:15Copy video clip URL B-roll, kids in gym.

23:38Copy video clip URL Video drop outs. Stop and start digitizing. Lira searches for a speed bag to demonstrate the exercise. Introduces camera to Ernie Terrell, former heavy weight champion.

24:08Copy video clip URL Lira chit chats with Terrell about Davis’s future.

28:36Copy video clip URL Davis demonstrates the speed bag. Lira talks more about he got started in boxing. He signs instructions to Davis.

30:06Copy video clip URL Head trainer Gene Kelly and Lira with Davis in training. Lira talks about his career, his accolades.

31:39Copy video clip URL Digitizing stops/starts. Lira discusses his career track record, his world championships, transition to promoter, future plans, his acceptance as a white boxer into the black community, the reputation of promoters, the smartest politicians, and what one looks for in a good fighter.

37:49Copy video clip URL Video drop outs. Digitizing stops/starts. More interview with Lira: Where do these boxers come from? How does a fighter psychologically survive in the ring? What’s it like to get knocked out? How many fighters do you manage?

41:34Copy video clip URL Kelly talks with Lira about Davis and their training plans while Davis continues working out.

42:48Copy video clip URL Kelly and Lira talk about the discipline of a fighter.

44:10Copy video clip URL Interview question: How much money will Davis make in a fight? Lira talks about Davis’s personal history, his struggles and hardships, his goals for Davis.

47:15Copy video clip URL Lira has Davis demonstrate throwing punches.

47:39Copy video clip URL Lira jokes around with another fighter, Rodney.

49:52Copy video clip URL Lira and Ben talk ring side, chit chat.

50:35Copy video clip URL Interview question: What do you like best about boxing? Lira talks about what boxing has afforded him.

53:06Copy video clip URL Video drop outs. Digitizing stops/starts. Lira discusses his future as a promoter and about the theatrical groups he promotes.

55:07Copy video clip URL Interview question: Do you think you could have made a fortune on commodities exchange?

56:25Copy video clip URL One take of Lira introducing himself.

57:08Copy video clip URL B-roll boxers spar in ring.

57:22Copy video clip URL Davis cools down after a workout. Ernie Terrell and a little girl talk, then Terrell describes Lira to camera. Interview question: What’s [Lira] like as a person?

01:00:04Copy video clip URL Fighters at gym chit chat. B-roll, activity at gym.

01:00:53Copy video clip URL Gene Kelly confirms the spelling of his name.

01:00:59Copy video clip URL Arthur Moore gives his contact information.

01:01:28Copy video clip URL END TAPE.



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