KENNEDY TRAFFIC: Interviews with people in Kennedy Reconstruction traffic. What do you do in this delayed traffic? UPS DRIVER ANGEL CORREA: interviewed while making pick-ups on his route inside the Wrigley Building, and inside his truck.
00:00Copy video clip URL Videographer in passenger seat of a car riding along the expressway, various shots of buildings, traffic signs, signs for I-90, I-94, Kennedy Expressway, cars stuck in traffic.
01:03Copy video clip URL Videographer records a driver stuck in traffic alongside him. He asks the driver if he does this everyday. No, I don’t, I was forced to today. My sitter was late and I have to get to work. What do you do to pass the time? I crank the tunes. Right now I’m listening to the news, All Things Considered.
01:41Copy video clip URL Camera fixes on various drivers passing by. One driver is on his cell phone. Various footage of cars stuck in traffic.
02:28Copy video clip URL Videographer tries to engage the female driver of a blue car in conversation, but she drives away uninterested. Videographer continues driving along expressway seeking out subjects to record.
03:00Copy video clip URL Videographer asks another driver if he makes this trip a lot and what they do to pass time while stuck in traffic. He make the trip quite a bit. When the traffic is real bad he says he listens to the radio.
03:30Copy video clip URL Videographer again tries engaging the woman in the blue car. She pulls away.
03:55Copy video clip URL Shot of cars stuck in traffic. Says with a truck over 5-tons you can’t take detours, you have to stick to the expressway and deal with the traffic.
04:13Copy video clip URL Change of location. Videographer is inside recording a TV running channel 50. Videographer and Ahdee walk through hallway of the building trying to find roof access to view the Channel 50 billboard.
05:00Copy video clip URL Videographer is back in a car on the road shooting the passing traffic from passenger side of the car. He engages passing drivers as they ride along city streets. Question: Where you heading to? The south side. Are you getting on the Kennedy? No. Probably not a good idea. We are.
05:54Copy video clip URL Videographer focuses on a young man with long hair, Brian, singing along to the radio. Question: So are you hopping on the Kennedy? Do I look crazy?! No, I’m staying away from that mess. The videographer asks if he has any tips. Brian responds: stay home, collect unemployment. Videographer mentions the footage is for Chicago Slices and asks permission to use his image.
07:18Copy video clip URL Brian mentions he drives a straight refrigerated truck for a living and any truck over 5-tons you can’t take back road detours, you must bear the traffic on the expressway.
08:06Copy video clip URL Videographer back on expressway approaching passing motorists. He asks a man in a Jeep: Do you do this drive everyday? No. Maybe three times a week. What do you do when you’re in really bad traffic? Get in this lane. This is the quick lane.
08:47Copy video clip URL Videographer approaches a guy in a truck: We’re taking a survey. What do people do when they’re stuck in really bad traffic? Driver ignores him and drives away.
09:23Copy video clip URL Videographer approaches a car with three passengers. They say they’re from Chicago but don’t drive this route often. The car pulls away.
09:51Copy video clip URL Videographer asks a man in a gray Grand Am which is the quickest lane. The driver responds that there is none. He says he drives this route every day and doesn’t consider another route because they are just as heavy with traffic. To pass the time, he listens to Johnny B.
10:54Copy video clip URL Videographer approaches a man in a Jeep and asks if he drives in this heavy traffic often and how he passes the time: listening to the radio. Videographer engages the man in idle chit chat ending with “We’ll see you later.” To which the man responds: “I’ll be here.”
11:52Copy video clip URL Videographer continues searching for subjects, other drivers stuck in expressway traffic. He asks a man in the car next to him how he passes the time in heavy traffic. The man points to the woman next to him: “Talk to her.” What does she do to pass the time? “She ignores me.”
12:41Copy video clip URL Videographer pulls up next to a tractor trailer and engages the driver in conversation, but the noise of the trucks makes it difficult to hear.
13:39Copy video clip URL Videographer tries to engage the driver of a pick up truck, but the two vehicles can’t sync to talk.
14:12Copy video clip URL A friendly young man in a red car pulls up and the videographer starts a conversation to learn about the drivers habits on the expressway. The driver says he does not drive this route often, he listens to Fishbone songs, he works in sales, and always has to travel up north.
16:21Copy video clip URL Videographer stops at a roadside construction site and speaks to a female worker. She says she doesn’t watch Chicago Slices because she works nights. Videographer says they did a segment on female construction workers. He asks if she as a construction worker gets a lot of angry looks from passing motorists. Yes. They swear and make hand gestures. She says she’s been working for two months and will be on this site until October.
18:37Copy video clip URL Videographer pulls up to a young woman in driving and tells her he’s taking a survey on what drivers do in bad traffic? She says she listens to music, day dreams, and psychs herself for work. “I have four days until I leave for vacation!”
19:25Copy video clip URL Stopped at a read light on a city street, the videographer asks a passing kid if he wants to be on camera. “Hell no!”
19:42Copy video clip URL Videographer pulls up alongside a young female driver and asks what she does when she’s stuck in traffic. She listens to music and daydreams. “What’s your favorite daydream?” The woman laughs, embarrassed, and pulls away. The videographer chases her down. “Well, have you thought of one yet?” The woman laughs good-naturedly and the two begin idle chit chat about carpooling and not being able to have much privacy when sharing a ride.
21:09Copy video clip URL Break in tape. Static.
21:14Copy video clip URL Change of location. Videographer is in an office photographing a guy wearing a Chicago Slices t-shirt. They talk about shooting music videos and various computer generated effects to use in post production, and which camera to buy.
22:34Copy video clip URL Break in tape. Static.
22:43Copy video clip URL Interior Wrigley building. Videographer is interviewing UPS driver Angel Correa on the 8th floor. Videographer follows Correa on his route picking up and delivering packages. They stop into the Scholastics office where the secretary has known Angel for years. Correa goes shows videographer the process and routine and the electronic DIAD he uses to keep track of pickups and deliveries. He discusses the major competition and how a package gets delivered from state to state: pick up at place of origin, packages sorted at a distribution center, sent to airport, picked up by a driver at the destination city. Correa explains he is one part of a larger process. “Is it tiring?” There’s a lot of walking, Correa admits, but that it keeps him in shape. He likes meeting all the people on his route and explains he’s been on this route for four years.
27:12Copy video clip URL Correa delivers a package to another customer. He explains that the job has its good days and bad days, but if you keep focus it will be a good day. What’s the toughest time of year? Christmas, though the worst part for Correa is the cold weather.
29:27Copy video clip URL Videographer and Correa chit chat about the difficulty in remembering all the names of people they encounter in the Wrigley Building. Correa gets into an elevator alongside a postal worker and playfully refers to him as his competitor. Videographer asks Correa what’s the biggest item he’s delivered. A television, but also construction site packages can be big.
31:36Copy video clip URL Correa delivers a package to another customer who comments how wonderful and pleasant Correa is.
32:59Copy video clip URL Videographer mentions that it’s rare that UPS loses one of his packages. Where do you run into problems? Correa explains it’s hard now for a package to get lost because everything is easily tracked through their computer system.
34:52Copy video clip URL Correa delivers another package to a customer.
36:18Copy video clip URL On the elevator tide, videographer focuses on the DIAD. Correa explains how it works: a scanner reads a bar code documenting pick up and delivery times.
37:14Copy video clip URL Videographer comments on the physical aspect of the work. Would this be a difficult job for a woman? Correa responds it is a physical job, but there are a lot of women doing it.
37:44Copy video clip URL Videographer has Correa repeat his answer about female employees.
38:22Copy video clip URL Videographer has Correa demonstrate the proper way to pick up a heavy box without causing personal injury.
39:36Copy video clip URL Correa comments that he walks about 6-miles a day and explains that each driver is rated and based on a time allowance. UPS determines how much time it should take a given driver on a given route and uses that estimate to rate performance.
41:00Copy video clip URL Correa delivers a package to a customer who is very curious about the unexpected arrival. “Do people get excited when you show up?” It depends on what you’re bringing them! Correa explains that they are finishing work in the north side of the building and he needs to reload his cart to deliver to the south side of the building.
43:02Copy video clip URL Correa starts to describe a typical day for him: first thing is to deliver the overnight delivery packages that have come in the night before and the pressure of that commitment. They get side tracked in conversation.
44:12Copy video clip URL B-roll Correa pushing a cart down a corridor to a service elevator.
45:51Copy video clip URL Video drop outs. Stop/re-start digitizing.
47:12Copy video clip URL More discussion about the DIAD device and how it stores information. Correa demonstrates how the electronic machine transmits information from the DIAD to the UPS computer center about one thousand miles away using a speaker comm call system: placing a telephone to the DIAD’s speaker and sending the information via tone.
50:30Copy video clip URL They enter Correa’s truck. Correa explains how all the packages are loaded and organized: sorted by stops, loaded by a pre-loader. Correa uses the same truck each day, has to take care of it, washes and gases it at the end of the day. He continues loading his truck with pickups from Wrigley Building.
52:29Copy video clip URL Videographer asks if Correa’s ever had a truck stolen. No, but I’ve gotten towed. He tells the story of how it happened. “Sometimes we have to park where we’re not supposed to when we have no choice.”
54:26Copy video clip URL Stop/re-start digitizing. Videographer comments that Correa’s truck is filled with valuable packages and doesn’t the threat of having a vehicle stolen worry him? Correa assures him that the truck is well locked, but drivers have been held up before. It depends on what area you deliver. He comments that each package on his truck is his until delivered to the customer and discusses the responsibilities of a driver.
56:04Copy video clip URL END
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