[Chicago Slices raw: Maxwell Street Parade]

At the Maxwell Street Parade, Tobi Johnson interviews participants celebrating Latin and African American heritage. Also includes footage of decorative puppets made by The Redmoon theater company.

00:00Copy video clip URL The tape begins with footage of a number of parade attendees and coordinators. Tobi Johnson speaks with Henrietta Phillips of Suter School about the parade. School children perform artistic pieces for the camera. This lasts for several minutes.

04:16Copy video clip URL As the parade begins, performers walk through the street in lavish costumes. Marching bands and drum lines provide music for the event. Many families also take part in the parade festivities. Johnson continues to gather footage of the event. This lasts for several minutes.

10:18Copy video clip URL Neighborhood children share their thoughts on the parade. Johnson’s young child cries about the scary puppets. This is followed by more footage of the event. We watch as a drum line performs. This lasts for several minutes.

18:19Copy video clip URL Johnson interviews a member of Redmoon Theater Company. The man talks about the work of the Theater. Other members of the theater company also talk about their work. Johnson continues to interview her son about the parade.

24:50Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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