[Chicago Slices raw: Prairie Moon Book Store]

PRAIRIE MOON BOOK STORE: Skip Blumberg interviews partner DAWN BOYD about the Prairie Moon Bookstore in Arlington Heights. It offers a women friendly environment in the northwest suburbs. The store is owned by an investment group of 21 professional women, providing women with information on women's topics.

00:00Copy video clip URL B-roll of exotic fish in fish tank. There is no audio, the audio turns on at 00:45Copy video clip URL and a pop music song begins at 00:55.

01:29Copy video clip URL Raw street scene, Chinatown, Chicago. Videomakers Skip Blumberg and Ahdee walk with Lilly, a neighborhood resident.

01:55Copy video clip URL Skip interviews Lilly about her life, profile questions, and issues of cultural identity.

04:15Copy video clip URL Interview interrupted, but camera continues to roll.

04:45Copy video clip URL Continued discussion on cultural identity and the importance of personal cultural enrichment. She keeps her culture alive by speaking Chinese at home with her children.

06:05Copy video clip URL Lilly and Skip continue walking down the street. Lilly explains she is losing her native culture from having lived in the US for 20 years.

07:15Copy video clip URL B-roll of China shop display window.

07:30Copy video clip URL Skip interviews a police officer about working the streets of Chinatown. The officer grew up in the area and tells of his childhood. The interview covers types of crime in Chinatown, the benefits of the beat, and the officer’s tenure.

09:57Copy video clip URL B-roll of car with vanity plates: R U GQQFY, Arlington Heights Civic center and Jaycees, Arlington Heights metra sign, Arlington Heights United Fund and various signage.

10:47Copy video clip URL Dawn Boyd, a partner of Prairie Moon, a feminist bookstore, sets up a life size doll in the store’s display window. She discusses the children who patronize the store.

11:28Copy video clip URL B-roll of Prairie Moon bookstore. Dawn and friend joke around about how even men can be feminists and how Prairie Moon welcomes men to the shop. B-roll of various displays and signs around the shop.

13:13Copy video clip URL Dawn at computer searching for an author for Skip.

13:31Copy video clip URL Dawn tells of the origins of the store and the motivation for founding the shop, its 21 partners, woman-owned, catering to feminist and women’s studies, the public need, and her personal interest in creating a friendly and safe environment for women.

15:33Copy video clip URL Jan, another Prairie Moon partner, shows Skip around the store and the items they have for sale. The videomaker engages Jan on issues of feminism, myths, the role of men in feminism, public reception to the store. Questions include: Are men afraid of the shop? Are the women witches? And:

18:40Copy video clip URL What do you say to guys who challenge the idea of a feminist bookstore? Jan replies that people who don’t like what they do just don’t come around.

19:26Copy video clip URL Are there many feminist bookstores in the area? None.

19:55Copy video clip URL Why did you personally get active? It’s part of who I am.

20:41Copy video clip URL Is there a lot to accomplish? Yes; it’s a never-ending battle.

21:27Copy video clip URL Can you be feminine and a feminist? Of course!

22.42 Does it make you angry when see people playing into traditional men/women roles? No, because everybody’s walking their own path.

23:31Copy video clip URL Skip interviews Dawn again. What is a feminist? The interview explores the definition of equality, Dawn’s background as a school teacher, the need for feminist discussions in the area, what feminists risk in speaking out, what Prairie Moon carries and doesn’t carry and what activities, such as public discussions, they host.

32:26Copy video clip URL Two shot of Dawn and Jan discussing Bill and Hillary Clinton, recent news articles judging women by their appearance, and current feminist issues such as escalating violence against women, the difficulty Dawn’s divorced mother had in applying for a credit card.

37:26Copy video clip URL Dawn explains the kind of discussions coming up at the store: topics on abortion and activist issues. Jan comments that the interests of the owners are embedded in the material sold in the shop.

38:46Copy video clip URL Skip asks, “To succeed, what do you need to do?” Dawn adn Jan answer that they need to make women feel comfortable in the store and realize that the store is here for them, it is a safe haven for women to explore sensitive issues in an nonthreatening environment.

41:40Copy video clip URL Skip asks Dawn and Jan to name people in power who are feminists.

43:28Copy video clip URL The tape degrades and fills with static.

43:39Copy video clip URL Jan explains a major obstacle women face: men of authority and the media not believing them when they open up about suffering abuse.

46:17Copy video clip URL Dawn and Jan reiterate the oasis that Prairie Moon is for women, for the community, and for children.

47:19Copy video clip URL Jan states that the store empowers women, that the fairy tales lied: women don’t have to wait for a prince [to rescue them or make them happy]. Women have the power to provide these things for themselves.

47:59Copy video clip URL Jan talks to Skip about which excerpts from the shoot she would and would not like him to use.

48:20Copy video clip URL Skip and Ahdee in the car afterwards discussing the shoot.

49:33Copy video clip URL END raw footage.



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