[Chicago Slices raw: The Baffler Magazine]

THE BAFFLER, twenty-something, intellectual, post-modern, theoretical magazine: Matt Palm interviews THOMAS FRANK and DAVID MULCAHEY, editors and creators.

00:00Copy video clip URL Camera rolls shooting the back of the lens cap.

00:09Copy video clip URL B-roll exterior of house.

00:47Copy video clip URL Interview with Tom Frank and David Mulcahey talking about the house in which they live, its history. They lead the videographer upstairs and continue the tour.

03:28Copy video clip URL Tom talks about The Baffler literary magazine.

04:34Copy video clip URL The tour of the house continues. Introduction to Rob, an indie record producer, and his records. Tom talks about the work appearing in The Baffler.

06:07Copy video clip URL Rob talks about producing indie records and plays one. B-roll of the bedroom and the guys hanging out. They talk about one of the musicians from the record.

09:09Copy video clip URL Continued tour of the house, the other rooms, discussion of cultural production the group does at a radio station and in The Baffler.

11:46Copy video clip URL Tour of a small recording studio in the house.

12:32Copy video clip URL Continue tour of the house. Tom, David and Rob clean up a messy room to make space for the formal interview.

13:18Copy video clip URL Tom goes through a record collection.

13:55Copy video clip URL B-roll of The Baffler cover; Tom on the couch going through magazine submissions (on paper and on floppy disk).

15:02Copy video clip URL Tom tells the story of a journalist working on location who was badgered by a homeless man.

16:13Copy video clip URL Tom tells of his life in New York City and his observations of consumerism there.

17:57Copy video clip URL B-roll of a telephone.

18:05Copy video clip URL David tells story of a newspaper journalist who came by their house for an interview and left slightly inebriated. David and Tom make and serve martinis.

21:07Copy video clip URL The formal sit down interview with Tom and David. Interview questions: What is The Baffler? Tom and David talk about the motivation for the magazine, its mission, its history. They discuss their thoughts on consumerism, cultural and social resistance, consumer economy, the manipulation of modern consumerism, and how The Baffler exploits and critiques all of this.

40:35Copy video clip URL Tom holds up a copy of The Baffler and talks about the 20-something debate, how media creates subjectivity for consumers,  the different kinds of youth culture, their rejection of mainstream culture and commercialism, and how the baby boomer generation fits in to the 20-something debate.

50:29Copy video clip URL B-roll of Tom at the computer working on The Baffler articles: hands on keyboard, close up of Tom, close up of computer screen.

51:56Copy video clip URL Tom and David in front of house on steps, chit chatting about neighbors. They talk about their personal lifestyles and how it fits in with The Baffler’s agenda.

56:09Copy video clip URL Tom and David in the yard talking about modern culture lifestyles that irritate them.

58:22Copy video clip URL Tom and David summarize what The Baffler aims to do and the method of the magazine. They share their anti-capitalist perspective and encourage independent media production.

01:02:03Copy video clip URL END TAPE.



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