[Chicago Slices raw: The Slick Boys #2]

THE SLICK BOYS: 3 Cabrini Green cops that rap: ERIC DAVIS, JAMES MARTIN, and RANDY HOLCOMB SR. Interviews at Oz Park while they coached little league baseball, in Cabrini's neighborhoods and parks, in police station, grocery store, and rapped with children on playground. Interview with Asst. Manager MIKE MERRILL.

00:00Copy video clip URL Footage continued from tape 14066. The Slick Boys with a group of young kids rap for camera.

01:50Copy video clip URL Group raps again so camera can record from a different point of view.

03:36Copy video clip URL Group shouts: “Cabrini Green!” The kids chit chat with the three rappers.

04:14Copy video clip URL Different point of view of the group, fraternizing, kids improvise a rap.

05:01Copy video clip URL Final words from the group: “Stop the violence, increase the peace, stay in school.”

05:26Copy video clip URL Kids banter to camera.

05:43Copy video clip URL Rappers fraternize with the kids about school, grades; one rapper skips rope.

06:24Copy video clip URL Rapper and girl skip rope together. Miscellaneous banter.

06:51Copy video clip URL Camera in car cruising the neighborhood.

07:46Copy video clip URL Establishing shot of Cabrini Green apartment building.

07:53Copy video clip URL END TAPE.


1 Comment

  1. greg battles says:

    i miss the good thing aout cabrini green, in there are a lot of good stories, but any way the tore all the projects down 2013. the killing has got worse thanks mayor daley it was all done for he rich white people, you have a new legacy of new murder all over the city, now the projects are down

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