[Chicago Slices raw: Triangle Sign Company #1]

TRIANGLE SIGN COMPANY: interview with BILL PRUSAK and DAVE RUBIN, and demonstration of how sign painters get the image on the billboard. Interviews with neon glass blowers.

00:00Copy video clip URL Exterior wide shot establishing shot of Triangle Sign company.

00:31Copy video clip URL Medium shot of Triangle Sign company sign.

00:53Copy video clip URL Close up shot of Triangle Sign company sign.

01:10Copy video clip URL Interior of Triangle Sign company. The videographer follows Bill Prusak down corridor and into the workshop. He points out various signs in production. They walk into a room with a large projector and discuss the process for the start of billboard painting: use an opaque projector to project the image for the sign to scale on large sheets of paper hanging on an electrically charged board with copper backing. The painter uses a handheld electronically charged probe to follow the outline of the projected image creating small arching perforations onto the paper. The paper is removed and placed on the billboard on site. The perforated image is removed and painted directly onto the billboard as a big stencil.

04:27Copy video clip URL B-roll of the arching perforation being cut in near darkness.

04:58Copy video clip URL B-roll of the projector.

05:36Copy video clip URL The lights turn on, b-roll of the perfs continuing to be cut.

07:25Copy video clip URL Interview question: Where is this sign [the Chicago Slices billboard sign] going? On top of your building.

07:40Copy video clip URL Continued b-roll of painter making perf cuts.

08:24Copy video clip URL Interview questions for Bill: What are some unusual signs you’ve have to make? A globe, a giant car battery, lots of neon work.

09:27Copy video clip URL Bill plugs in a Miller beer neon sign and a neon Bears football helmet sign.

10:24Copy video clip URL Is Triangle Sign the only company doing something like this? No, there are 5-8 major sign companies in the area. Bill describes the different types of neon and neon signs they create.

11:23Copy video clip URL Bill shows off an 8 foot globe made from a balloon wrapped in fiber glass. A worker is roughing up the fiber glass preparing to paint.

12:44Copy video clip URL B-roll of the shop, materials, signs, work trucks.

13:27Copy video clip URL B-roll of Old Style beer sign, Silo store sign.

14:28Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.

14:25Copy video clip URL Bill shows videographer the Marshall Field’s Christmas trumpets and medallions built and stored at Triangle Sign. He comments: the design changes every 5 years or so.

16:20Copy video clip URL Bill and videographer walk through dark corridors through the shop.

17:01Copy video clip URL Interview question: What’s your favorite sign? The most aesthetic is a plaque for a restaurant. The most unique sign they’ve created is a 12-15 foot hot dog for Fast Track.

18:09Copy video clip URL Bill shows a sign produced for Triangle Sign that no one has had time to display.

18:36Copy video clip URL Worker John Noga at bench fabricating and cleaning out glass tubes preparing them for neon light.

19:47Copy video clip URL Interview questions with General Manager Phil Siciliano: What signs of yours would I recognize on the street? Old Style Beer, Checkers, specialty neon signs. How long have you been in the business? The company’s been around for 56 years, I’ve been here 33. He says the economy has caused the company to size down.

21:49Copy video clip URL Continued b-roll of worker working on neon glass tubing plus b-roll of various completed neon signs around the shop.

28:24Copy video clip URL John cleans inside of tube glass before pumping in the gas.

29:40Copy video clip URL Interview question: How long do these signs last? Years.

31:10Copy video clip URL John shows color chart of various neon color options.

32:20Copy video clip URL John shows off various signs made at the shop: personal names, sport teams, beverage companies.

34:43Copy video clip URL B-roll of Bill and team. Videographer follows Bill and the Chicago Slices client through the shop discussing problems with the extensions on the Chicago Slices billboard they are preparing: cost, safety, time, the electric light. The discussion becomes heated.

48:00Copy video clip URL A painter named Dave Rubin joins the discussion.

50:08Copy video clip URL Bill leaves and Dave continues discussing logistics of the billboard’s production with the client.

56:04Copy video clip URL END.



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