[Chicago Slices raw: Triangle Sign Company #2]

TRIANGLE SIGN COMPANY: interview with BILL PRUSAK and DAVE RUBIN, and demonstration of how sign painters get the image on the billboard. Interviews with neon glass blowers.

00:00Copy video clip URL Videographer follows Bill and Dave around the shop.

00:27Copy video clip URL B-roll of Dave preparing to project and trace the Chicago Slices billboard artwork.

03:21Copy video clip URL B-roll of various old posters and signs at the shop.

04:13Copy video clip URL B-roll of a painter hand painting letters on a sign.

04:43Copy video clip URL B-roll of Dave continuing to prepare to project the Chicago Slices artwork for tracing. He describes the process as he works.

05:57Copy video clip URL Lights in room turn off, Dave works in darkness. He looks for something he can’t find, remeasures the Chicago Slices artwork.

09:20Copy video clip URL Videographer follows Dave to photocopy machine to rescale the artwork.

16:08Copy video clip URL B-roll of Dave scaling the artwork and tracing.

25:27Copy video clip URL Interview question: How does this wall work? Dave explains how the electricity is used to create perfs in the paper. He says sign painters jobs are all guts, no glory. He appreciates other painters’ work, but those who aren’t familiar with the process don’t care.

26:44Copy video clip URL Dave starts hanging the large paper that will be used to trace the Chicago Slices artwork.

29:30Copy video clip URL The giant paper rips in half. Dave re-tacks the roll.

31:42Copy video clip URL The paper again rips down under its own weight. Dave re-tacks.

34:44Copy video clip URL Dave finally gets the 6-foot paper up and searches for charcoal, prepares to trace the Chicago Slices artwork and create perfs in the paper.

37:50Copy video clip URL Dave starts tracing the artwork pattern. The room is near darkness. He talks about his 19-year career as a painter, the hazards of the job, and the life of a painter. Questions: Do you like painting bigger signs or small? Do you paint freehand or is it all stencils?

44:30Copy video clip URL Dave describes a typical day for him.

45:05Copy video clip URL Lights come on, we see the chalk outline of the Chicago Slices logo Dave starts cutting the perfs.

55:24Copy video clip URL END.



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