LUNCH W/ WANDA McLENIGHAN and LILIAN BENDER: lunch at Marshall Field's Walnut Room and discussion of the secrets to a friendship that has lasted 80 years so far.
00:00Copy video clip URL Footage continued from Tape 14074. Videographer asks Lilian Bender and Wanda McLenighan of their 80-year friendship: Do you have secrets you keep to yourself? Wanda: No. I don’t. Lilian: No.
00:35Copy video clip URL Lilian continues: Maybe there’s a subject you don’t care to talk about. Tom interjects: Sounds like a secret to me, Bender. Lilian playfully admonishes Tom, accidentally knocking over a wine glass.
01:04Copy video clip URL Interview question: What’s the secret to a good friendship? Wanda: We love each other. Lilian: We respect each other.
02:10Copy video clip URL Lilian talks about the difference between keeping personal feelings and keeping a secret.
03:13Copy video clip URL What is the key to a friendship that lasts 80 years? Lilian says they are asked that a lot and she doesn’t know the answer exactly and remarks: “I just accept it. I love and respect her,” and adds that they way she and Wanda think about things is similar.
04:35Copy video clip URL Is there jealously between you? Lilian remarks that she doesn’t have jealous feelings and never had. “I’m satisfied with what I have. If I want more, I have to go out and get it.”
05:31Copy video clip URL Wanda tells a story of how Lilian and her family suffered during the Great Depression. Her father died, leaving an inheritance with which Lilian and her husband bought a second hand car. Wanda and her husband drove several miles to see the car and when they arrived, a relative of Lillian’s was shocked that Wanda and her husband had ridden so far just to see a second hand automobile.
07:17Copy video clip URL Lilian repeats her sentiment that she is satisfied with what she has. “What I have is mine. That’s the way I felt and I still do.”
09:29Copy video clip URL Tom comments to Lilian: You keep embracing the times as they change. Lilian responds: “That’s how it is, except one has to learn to accept some things.”
10:39Copy video clip URL Interview question: Does it bother you when people indulge in excess? Lilian: “No. Who am I to tell someone what is right or not right?”
12:13Copy video clip URL Wanda tells the story of working with a girl who inherited a lot of money and bought a expensive condo with the money. Wanda reflects after visiting the place: “I couldn’t live there. It’s not my dish of tea. I wouldn’t feel comfortable. I’m content.”
14:10Copy video clip URL Tom suggests their friendship is better than a marriage, but never gets the chance to explain his meaning.
14:30Copy video clip URL Videographer stops and re-starts recording in the middle of a conversation. Lilian is saying about Wanda: “When I don’t like what she says, I say, ‘You’re nuts!'” Lilian talks about when she quit smoking. Wanda says she smoked 60 years, but quit easily. “I decided this is it!”
16:02Copy video clip URL The lunch is over and the friends are preparing to part. Lilian thanks Tom and the videographer for the day and says that it was a joy to see him.
16:36Copy video clip URL B-roll, shot MOS, of Lilian and Wanda walking out of the Walnut Room together.
16:51Copy video clip URL Sound on camera suddenly turns on. Continued b-roll of Lilian and Wanda leaving the restaurant.
17:10Copy video clip URL B-roll of the dining room and of the Walnut Room entrance sign.
17:16Copy video clip URL B-roll of historic photos of Marshall Field’s framed on a wall.
18:15Copy video clip URL B-roll inside elevator, MOS.
18:24Copy video clip URL END TAPE.
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