Chicago Tomorrow, episode 104

Episode contains segments about a security camera company, a traveling clinic that serves under-insured youth, a physicist looking for the only undiscovered particle in particle physics, and children cultivating an urban garden.

0:00Copy video clip URL Opening title. A voice-over introduces the segments for this episode.

0:57Copy video clip URL Continuation of the opening title sequence. Elizabeth Brackett and Aaron Freeman introduce themselves, and Brackett talks about a program that provides quality healthcare for children.

1:57Copy video clip URL Segment shows the van that holds the Loyola Medical Center’s Pediatric Mobile Health Clinic, a program supported by Ronald McDonald House Charities. Dr. Pamela Weller talks about the services they provide.

2:43Copy video clip URL Lynn Jones talks about the under-insured population in Naperville. Brackett explains the importance of the partnership between the clinic and community leaders, and Jones talks about all of the people she works with. A mother shares how important the clinic has been for her son’s health.

3:34Copy video clip URL John Zinkel talks about the various roles he performs at the clinic. A mother shares how much work it is to take her children to the doctor, and Weller elaborates on the problems mothers face. Susan Finn reinforces the importance of the clinic.

5:35Copy video clip URL Brackett shares some of the statistics concerning how many children the clinic has helped. Zinkel tells a story of a teacher expressing her gratitude. Segment ends.

6:47Copy video clip URL Brackett and Freeman briefly discuss the segment and offer more information for contacting the program.

7:30Copy video clip URL Brackett and Freeman share some of Chicago Tomorrow’s headlines, including a scientific discovery by a University of Chicago Associate Professor, a new art exhibit, and a new building at Lincoln Park Zoo.

9:15Copy video clip URL Freeman introduces the next segment. It is a profile of Young Kee Kim, a Fermilab physicist working on a new discovery in particle physics.

9:55Copy video clip URL Kim talks about her childhood interests, and her curiosities concerning physics. She starts to explain the Higgs Field, and Freeman tries to explain it with an analogy to Mayor Richard M. Daley visiting the Chicago Auto Show. Kim shares that she is trying to discover the Higgs particle.

12:04Copy video clip URL Kim and Freeman explain Fermilab’s Tevatron using analogies and diagrams.

14:06Copy video clip URL Kim talks about what she loves most about her work with the Tevatron. “We are harmonized enough that we can [do work on separate] pieces and then now those pieces are coming together and it’s beautiful to see that.” Kim then explains why viewers should care if they find the Higgs particle.

14:57Copy video clip URL Brackett and Freeman discuss the previous segment, then introduce the one coming up next.

15:43Copy video clip URL Kristian Hammond gives more details on the upcoming segment concerning websites that give access to security cameras.

16:05Copy video clip URL Segment begins. Hammond talks about the pervasiveness of security cameras and likens it to The Truman Show, then introduces the man behind the webcams: Paul Cooper.

16:32Copy video clip URL Cooper talks about how the internet has now given anyone with a computer access to the world. “It’s a very powerful and non-tv like way to really see the real world under your control.” He then explains how the watcher can control the camera, its usefulness for businesses, and privacy issues.

17:39Copy video clip URL An employee of Perceptual Robotics, Fran Greenman, is interviewed about the presence of cameras in the office. Steve Dahl, a disc jockey for WCKG, talks about the camera in his studio and shares his plans to move to internet streaming including both audio and video.

18:52Copy video clip URL Ken Kobus shows Hammond the camera at the top of Adler Planetarium.

20:11Copy video clip URL Hammond closes out the segment talking about the empowerment the cameras give those who may not otherwise get to witness these sites. Segment closes with a close-up of a woman’s rear.

20:45Copy video clip URL Back in the studio, Hammond gives a demonstration of how the cameras work.

21:58Copy video clip URL Brackett introduces the next segment, a follow up on some young urban gardeners and how their plants have progressed.

22:18Copy video clip URL Segment begins. Eric Salus explains about his program called Children’s Harvest Garden, which allows children to learn how to grow vegetables and herbs. The children talk about how their vegetables are different from plants in the grocery stores, and what they’re learning to plant.

24:15Copy video clip URL Salus talks about the science involved with gardening; followed by footage of the children learning to make pickles.

25:12Copy video clip URL Back in the studio, Brackett holds some of the pickles they made and talks about the Mock County Fair the children are holding later in the month.

25:38Copy video clip URL Freeman talks about the next episode of Chicago Tomorrow, and Freeman and Brackett sign off.

25:55Copy video clip URL Closing credits



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