News segment concerning piles of petroleum coke along the Calumet River, and their effect on the health of surrounding residents.
0:00Copy video clip URL Title card
0:11Copy video clip URL A voice-over from Brackett talks about stored piles of petroleum coke (“petcoke”) growing along the side of the Calumet River. She explains what petcoke is over footage of the enormous piles.
0:42Copy video clip URL Tom Shepherd shares his concern for the dust blowing across bordering neighborhoods. Brackett explains that the majority of the petcoke stored there comes from BP.
1:36Copy video clip URL Henry Henderson talks about the components of petcoke, and points to the health issues that come from it.
2:04Copy video clip URL Pete Sarnjack talks the health issues he’s encountered by living across from KCBX, the largest storage area. Susana Gomez talks about the grime constantly appearing on her windowsills and her concern for the health of her children.
3:09Copy video clip URL Senator Dick Durbin’s desires to have the Center for Disease Control assess the health risks of open piles of petcoke. Snippet of his speech at a press conference.
3:47Copy video clip URL Clip from a YouTube video showing a cloud of petcoke which prompted the city of Detroit to remove petcoke piles.
4:13Copy video clip URL Lawsuits and regulations against petcoke in Chicago. Rahm Emanuel gives a press conference addressing the growing piles.
5:01Copy video clip URL Company responses to the growing pressure to remove petcoke. Alan Beemsterboer shares ongoing plans to remove all petcoke from their site, and end petcoke operations completely. On the other hand, KCBX does not plan to remove petcoke. Brief statement from a spokesman.
6:40Copy video clip URL Lisa Madigan gives her opinions on whether KCBX’s dust containment plans are sufficient.
7:10Copy video clip URL Information on overseas petcoke facilities. Figures on how much is shipped, where, and it’s environmental impact. Henderson talks about the “dirty energy economy”.
8:24Copy video clip URL End
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