An episode of Message to the Grass Roots, a cable access talk show produced & hosted by Michael Zinzun from 1988-1998 at Pasadena Community Access Corporation, which is now Pasadena Media ( This program is focused on possible ways to begin to heal and clean up communities harmed by the influx of crack cocaine.
00:24Copy video clip URL Color bars. Tape information.
1:10Copy video clip URL Montage of people discussing the danger of addiction to cocaine and other drugs. Gary Betzner talks about the U.S. government involvement in bringing drugs to the U.S.
2:20Copy video clip URL “Message to the Grass Roots with Michael Zinzun: Mommy, Where does Cocaine Come From?” Guests: James Simmons and Maybie Settlage.
4:00Copy video clip URL Zinzun talks about how many young people have died as a result of the drug trade. He asks Simmons how he thinks increased policing is affecting the problem. Simmons responds that he does not believe that it is helping the community and discusses why this has been the response. He discusses why so many young people are involved in drugs. Settlage discusses the incorrect way that people think of drug addiction as a moral problem. She talks about drug addiction in other countries and the way that drugs enter a community. Zinzun discusses the “Just Say No” campaign and its limits. Simmons discusses issues with proposed national drug programs.
14:35Copy video clip URL Commercial break.
15:30Copy video clip URL Zinzun talks about the production of drugs. Settlage talks about finding solutions for the drug problem without relying on the government. He talks about the sale of drug chemicals. Simmons talks about national security and government involvement in other countries. Zinzun talks about government cover ups. Settlage talks about the problem within her own community and in her own personal experience. Zinzun talks about attitudes towards young people of color. Simmons talks about prospects for young people of color.
29:30Copy video clip URL Commercial break.
30:35Copy video clip URL Simmons talks about how eliminating the drug trade would change things economically. Settlage talks about this as a global problem. They talk about treating drug addiction. Simmons talks about changes that can be made with limited resources. They talk about gangs in relation to drugs. Settlage talks about how schools can help.
44:30Copy video clip URL Commercial break.
45:30Copy video clip URL Zinzun talks about jobs for young people. Simmons talks about government attitudes that neglect the communities. Zinzun talks about police attitudes. They receive a call. The caller asks about a drug program called “The Politics of Heroin.” Settlage talks about the history of drug use around the world. Simmons and Settlage give final comments about government limitations and changing attitudes. Zinzun closes the show. Credits.
59:49Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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