Crime Tour – tape 1

0:32Copy video clip URL Near a train station, Ed Paschke emerges from the front door of a building and onto the sidewalk.

1:12Copy video clip URL Sitting in the passenger seat of a car, Paschke directs the driver. He indicates some points of interest, and then tells the story of a police surveillance team, housed in a nearby high school, attempting to arrest some street drug dealers, the result of which was a policeman shot and killed in the ensuing struggle. 

4:00Copy video clip URL A cut to Paschke, still in the passenger seat. He points out a rib restaurant which occupies the former site of a dog groomer. He re-tells the story of the police surveillance team, with the car approaching the spot from a different direction.

8:48Copy video clip URL Another cut Paschke, standing on the sidewalk at the spot where the policeman was killed and explaining some more of the story. He and the interviewer chat about the incident.

10:49Copy video clip URL Shots of the exterior of the school, followed by a long shot of the American flag flapping in the wind.

11:35Copy video clip URL Paschke back in the passenger seat as the car drives down the street. He talks about some local businesses, comparing a nearby donut shop to “the rec room at Sing Sing.” They drive past the location of the former Howard Theater and Pete’s Hamburgers. With the interviewer, he discusses Chicago’s reputation as a high-crime city, which he feels is somewhat overblown, and is owed to the Prohibition era. They approach the spot where Allen Dorfman was murdered.

16:05Copy video clip URL Paschke is asked about details of Dorfman’s position and his particular criminal activities.

17:24Copy video clip URL Paschke points out a spot of a break-in and beating from a few years previous. Ceasar compares the incident to a scene from The Untouchables.

19:15Copy video clip URL As they drive slowly though a residential neighborhood, Paschke tells of the break-in and murder in the adjacent apartment building.

20:20Copy video clip URL Video ends.



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