This news report covers the slowly increasing success of Michael Dukakis' campaign to win the Democratic nomination in the 1988 presidential election. Dukakis is campaigning in Ohio in preparation for the state's primary election.
0:01Copy video clip URL Michael Dukakis holds a rally in Dayton, Ohio in support of his campaign for the Ohio primary leading up to the 1988 presidential election. His campaign in Ohio criticized Republican policies and stressed traditional Democratic issues – jobs and the economy.
2:35Copy video clip URL Ronald Reagan had won the swing voters in the last two elections, but Elizabeth Brackett spoke to several former Reagan supporters who plan to vote for Dukakis in the upcoming election. However, many Democrats worry that Dukakis “does not inspire the kind of enthusiastic, committed supporter that once fueled the campaigns” of John F. Kennedy, or today, Jesse Jackson.
5:13Copy video clip URL Dukakis is not surprised that his support has grown slowly. Many former Jackson supporters had switched their support to Dukakis once it became less and less likely that Jackson would win the nomination, although Jackson remains a strong contender in the upcoming California primary.
8:09Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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