[Rally for Puerto Rican Nationalists]

A conference and rally in Chicago for the Puerto Rican Nationalists

1:09Copy video clip URL The videotape begins after a period of black and static screen. A song is playing in the background as supporters of the freed Puerto Rican Nationalists march in the street. Supports hold a large white banner with black lettering which welcomes the Nationalists.

2:00Copy video clip URL Lolita Lebron and Rafael Cancel Miranda make their way to the center of a crowded room that is full of supporters to make a speech. Lolita speaks about the victory being the American Empire. She ends with remembering Andres Cordero, the crowd chants his name as she exits.

7:15Copy video clip URL Crowd transitions from a conference room to march the streets and rally where the four Nationalists will be speaking. Video cuts back to a continuation of Lolita speaking from earlier.

12:35Copy video clip URL Rafael Cancel Miranda speaks next. He talks about the Puerto Rican spirit and the need to take care of one another. The crowd cheers and chants in support.

17:10Copy video clip URL [End of Tape].



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