[FALN rally part I: Pedro, Steven, Marta]

This tape features footage from a National Liberation Armed Forces (FALN) support rally in the late 1970s. Pedro Archuleta, Julio Rosado, Luis Rosado, and Maria Cueto appear on the tape.

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with static.

00:13Copy video clip URL Open on a shot of Pedro Archuleta sitting with Luis Rosado, Maria Cueto, and a few others. They are seen talking with one another before the speeches begin.

01:31Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a banner that reads: “GRAND JURY FBI / U.S. JUSTICE IS A LIE. BIENVENIDOS COMPANEROS.” We then watch as a speaker makes a few remarks and introduces Archuleta to the stage. The speaker talks about the unity between Puerto Rican, Mexican, and Cuban people who are fighting for their cause. “Our unity was forged in our oppression.” This lasts for several minutes.

05:45Copy video clip URL Archuleta is greeted with a loud chant from the audience. He takes the stage and begins to talk about the cause in Spanish. This lasts for the majority of the tape.

26:39Copy video clip URL Julio Rosado addresses the crowd in Spanish. Shot of banner “Despierte Boricua. Defiende lo tuyo.” (Translation: Awake Puerto Rico. Defend what’s yours.)

28:20Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a banner with a rendering of Oscar Collazo, a Puerto Rican Nationalist who tried to assassinate President Harry Truman in 1950. The banner states “When Tyranny is Law, Revolution is Order.” Collazo was wounded in his attempt and spent the next 29 years in prison. Collazo would have been released or was just about to be released around the time this video was shot.

28:36Copy video clip URL Marta Rodriguez, a folksinger and activist, addresses the crowd and briefly talks about the movement. She talks about the victory in preventing the FBI from investigating their movement. The camera operator continues to gather footage from around the area. This lasts for the remainder of the tape.

33:13Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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