[Sedona] – Feminist Porn: Gynamite, #2

A continuation of tape #16300 this tape shows the rest of Feminist Porn: Gynamite, an open microphone show about female empowerment through sexuality. This tape begins with a visit to Sedona, AZ that lasts for quite some time.

0:00Copy video clip URL Open on woman packing up to move.

00:57Copy video clip URL Shots from inside a car driving down a highway on a pretty day in Sedona. The videomaker, Judith Binder, and the driver chat about the area. They see several landmarks. Shots of the scenery of Sedona continue for some time. Another woman enters the shots and they continue to sightsee. They look at an art piece called “Morality-Mortality.”

36:22Copy video clip URL Feminist Porn starts and we are only shown the last bit of a performer’s piece.

38:18Copy video clip URL The next performer, Molly Cleeter, goes on stage and begins. Molly talks about her eroticism.

48:05Copy video clip URL Irene Borger, the next performer, goes up to the stage and talks about the crowd culture surrounding sex and the possibility of transcendence outside of physical intimacy.

1:00:52Copy video clip URL The next performer, one of the hosts, compares “her country and her cunt.” She then talks about prostitution and childhood sexuality.

1:12:08Copy video clip URL Linda J. Albatonna goes to the stage and begins talking about George and Barbara Bush.

1:21:45Copy video clip URL Nancy is invited to the stage and talks about her sexual experiences.

1:35:48Copy video clip URL The hosts close the show down and ask for suggestions for the show.

1:40:15Copy video clip URL Video ends.



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