[Five Day Bicycle Race raw #18]

This video contains raw footage shot for "Five Day Bicycle Race," a project comprised of live in-studio commentary and taped edited coverage of the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Produced by independent videomakers calling themselves The Image Union (including many members of TVTV and Videofreex), it aired on Manhattan Cable for three hours per night for five days during the convention. In this video, the videomakers speak with a number of delegates on the floor of the DNC.

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with a blue screen.

00:28Copy video clip URL Cut to footage from inside Madison Square Garden. A group of Virginia delegates celebrate the evening.

01:05Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a young reporter for Children’s Express Magazine. The youth talks about his work with the magazine. Fifteen representatives are assigned to Madison Square Garden covering the convention. The reporter attributes his fatigue to lack of sleep and inconsistent meals. When asked about the amount of national media coverage, the reporter states that it’s a little overkill when reporters outnumber delegates two to one.

04:23Copy video clip URL The videomakers speak with a pair of slap happy delegates. This lasts for several minutes.

06:05Copy video clip URL The videomaker speaks with a delegate about his support of Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley. The man makes a few comments on race relations in the political world. “I believe that once we convince the white population in the nation that blacks can do what they did in baseball, football, and basketball, that we also can do the same thing in government, then we begin to get the kind of leadership and the kind of participation and the kind of commitment out of people that this country deserves.” The man then continues to talk about his support for Bradley, an African-American political figure. The man goes on to talk about his feelings towards Carter. He states that his preference for the presidency is California Governor Jerry Brown and states that he’d like to see a Brown-Bradley ticket. He goes on to talk about the party moving toward unity and the chemistry that is evolving. “I’m sure that we’re going to move collectively because we’ve been through a very trying period and we have to adjust and we have to come about in a sense of community if we want to do anything.” Shortly after he finishes his answer, Coretta Scott King takes the stage to address the delegation.

10:51Copy video clip URL Cut to the backstage area. One of the videomakers speaks with a woman watching the convention on a television monitor. The woman sews a piece of fabric while watching King’s address. This lasts for the remainder of the tape.

12:21Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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