This video contains a segment edit for "Five Day Bicycle Race," a project comprised of live in-studio commentary and taped edited coverage of the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Produced by independent videomakers calling themselves The Image Union (including many members of TVTV and Videofreex), it aired on Manhattan Cable for three hours per night for five days during the convention. On this tape, Joel Gold and Susan Lazarus speak with a number of delegates on the floor of the convention.
00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with a blue screen.
00:36Copy video clip URL Cut to a title screen for the footage. Fade into a shot of the convention floor. The audio is poor throughout the tape and fluctuates quite a bit throughout this segment. Gold and Lazarus capture footage from around Madison Square Garden.
02:04Copy video clip URL They eventually make their way to the band performance area to speak with a sound engineer about the band’s conductor, Peter Duchin. The sound quality is very poor throughout this portion of the tape. Gold eventually breaks out into song. Gold also does a sound check with the engineer. Shortly afterward, Gold and Lazarus make their way back down to the floor where Gold once again breaks out into song and dance.
08:55Copy video clip URL Gold and Lazarus continue to gather footage from in and around the floor. Gold begins to speak with a number of network cameramen, engineers, and commentators. A commentator talks about Carter’s rise in the Democratic Party and what this will bring to the national election. He also comments on convention environment. “I think there’s a loose, laid back feeling here. It’s kind of pleasant.” Gold then asks the commentator to say, “Welcome to the Five Day Bicycle Race.”
14:10Copy video clip URL Gold speaks with House Representative Shirley Chisholm, the first female to run for president (in 1972), about her experience at the convention. The audio is extremely poor throughout this portion of the tape. Chisholm talks about Carter’s campaign and avoidance of special interest groups. She explains that she likes the “rebellious spirit in a Jimmy Carter. … I think this is good. It shows that political parties and labor groups are no longer in the position of this country of being able to sit in the back room or front room and dictating who they want to be the candidate. So it’s a good sign.” She also talks about the phenomenon of the country not really knowing Jimmy Carter. She goes on to say that Carter represents a new breed of southern politicians. After a bit of prodding by Gold, Chisholm says that there really is no other choice but Carter. “We have to take either Carter, Ford, or Reagan, and that’s all there is to it.” Gold then jokes because he was holding up an interview between Chisholm and journalist Dave Marash.
18:49Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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