Freeze Frame: Baseball, Briefcases, and Bombshelters

"Freeze Frame," a show sponsored by the Illinois Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. Episode #2: Baseball, Briefcases and Bombshelters.

00:00Copy video clip URL Bars and tone, slate.

00:18Copy video clip URL Opening Sequence.

01:10Copy video clip URL Host Paul Buchbinder opens the show at Comiskey Park to introduce the first segment on emergency preparedness. He interviews people about how they’d react if the air raid sirens went off.

03:57Copy video clip URL Interview with Bill Purifoy of the Chicago Fire Department, who discusses emergency preparedness. He explains that there is no real disaster plan, and how officials may react in the event of a nuclear attack.

08:18Copy video clip URL Buchbinder sits in front of a public school which is also a designated “Fallout Shelter.” Vintage public service clip, “Duck and Cover” is also shown.

10:46Copy video clip URL Buchbinder introduces another segment of a government approved bomb shelter that was uncovered in Berkeley, Illinois. The current homeowner is interviewed. He then takes the interviewer on a tour of the bomb shelter.

18:10Copy video clip URL Excerpt from video “Briefcases and Bombshelters” by Bob Hercules. This is a documentary that is somewhat humorous in its approach to the notion that a briefcase could protect you from nuclear fallout.

24:50Copy video clip URL Cut back to Buchbinder at Wrigley Field, who advocates for nuclear disarmament. Followed by Public Service Announcements.

27:08Copy video clip URL Closing credits.



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