Brief news clip covering Al Gore and Bill Bradley's campaigns in Iowa before the 2000 Iowa Caucus.
0:05Copy video clip URL Opens with footage of Al Gore and Bill Bradley shaking hands and taking pictures with several people in a crowd. A voice-over from Brackett talks about the time they’ve spent in Iowa getting ready for the Iowa Caucus.
0:24Copy video clip URL Footage of both Bradley and Gore giving speeches. Brackett describes their different campaign styles and how they interact with citizens; Bradley is more inclined to sit with them and have many one-on-one conversations, while Gore is often surrounded by people but is less accessible.
1:27Copy video clip URL Brackett talks about the issues Bradley represents, and how he introduces himself. Clip from a speech Bradley gave at a labor union.
2:13Copy video clip URL Clip of Gore at the same convention. Brackett shares how Gore supports similar issues, but relies on the reputation of the White House and speaks out against Republican agendas.
3:59Copy video clip URL Information on each candidates’ support.
4:38Copy video clip URL Segment moves on to the farm crisis caused by the falling price of staple crops and each candidates’ commitment to solving the issue. A clip from one of Gore’s speeches on the problem.
5:30Copy video clip URL Sue and Keith McKinney share their sentiments toward Gore. They believe that he gets the problem.
6:00Copy video clip URL A clip of Bradley sitting down with hog farmers to both ask and answer questions in order to better understand the issue. Eric Hauser, Press Secretary, talks about how to gain supporters through organizing, and Brackett talks about how this strategy has worked out. Ann McCluskey claims that Bradley has done a good job.
7:33Copy video clip URL Another clip of Gore giving a speech. Brackett claims that Gore is further down the road of claiming endorsements and garnering political support.
8:07Copy video clip URL End
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