A composite of episodes of Lanesville TV, which was broadcast every Saturday night in Lanesville, New York to residents of a few small towns in the Catskills. The show had a lighthearted community focus, and featured segments on local events and people. Verbal description does not do it justice because it is a unique example of early "pure" video.
0:00Copy video clip URL Station ID and title sequence.
0:35Copy video clip URL Greetings from Lanesville: “home of probably America’s smallest TV station.” Neighbor Sam Ginsberg and his family wait for relatives from Soviet Union to come visit.
1:20Copy video clip URL Ginsberg family looks through photos, speaking Russian. An old woman talks with her two visitors, an elderly Russian couple.
2:10Copy video clip URL Ginsbergs watch Lanesville TV. Families canoeing, a boxing match, kids play football, a picnic, strange duck walks down street, a couple gets married. Montage of various Lanesville TV scenes.
3:41Copy video clip URL The Lanesville TV News Buggy rolls down the street. Bart Friedman explains that strange things can happen while pushing the buggy around town.
4:26Copy video clip URL Friedman talks to Jerry, a Lanesville youth, about racing in an upcoming bike race. Jerry explains that Bubba got 2 brown and white cows.
5:30Copy video clip URL Young chubby kid describes a local car accident.
6:25Copy video clip URL News Buggy is moved off road by a local farmer and children who stop to talk about how their pigs are doing.
7:18Copy video clip URL Old man talks about his wife’s vacation and plans her return.
7:45Copy video clip URL News Buggy meets Harriet Benjamin outside her trailer. Nancy Cain investigates signatures on Harriet ‘s cast.
8:43Copy video clip URL Twenty-something girl introduces her friend Elan, who can stand on her head. Discussion of yoga exercises and headstands.
10:06Copy video clip URL Skip Blumberg introduces his grandmother Lucy and explains how to put an announcement on Lanesville television.
11:12Copy video clip URL Onlooking news crew arrives at the site of a fire being put out by the volunteer fire department. A fireman explains that by the time the volunteers arrived the mostly wooden house had burned down. Skip Blumberg juggles and explains what happened with the fire.
14:06Copy video clip URL Skip Blumberg interviews Scottie Benjamin, who appeared terrified upon arrival at the scene, but now claims he wasn’t scared. “So maybe next time you won’t be scared?” “I don’t know… Probably won’t, probably will.”
14:55Copy video clip URL Skip Blumberg’s grandmother Lucy says that she is proud of her grandson and the whole show. Blumberg explains that Elmer Benjamin suffered minor injuries incurred in the fire.
15:45Copy video clip URL Skip Blumberg talks to John on the phone, who plans to bring a gift from California to Blumberg’s grandmother.
16:30Copy video clip URL Parry Teasdale, in a Howdy Doody t-shirt, finishes fixing a car before rehearsing his news segment.
18:10Copy video clip URL Tom Weinberg, in an appearance as a UFO investigator, interviews locals about an alleged flying saucer sighting earlier in the morning. Nancy Cain captured the UFO on video and Tom Weinberg watches it. Tearing off his jacket and running into a field, the flying saucer lands on top of him and he is carried off into the Milky Way.
23:45Copy video clip URL Carol Vontobel and John Keeler talk about the abduction and try to solicit calls to the station. A rumor is spreading that it was all a stunt by a political candidate. Mr. Ginsberg calls in and claims to know nothing of the UFO.
26:07Copy video clip URL Nancy Cain introduces herself as the editor and says farewell. The Ginsbergs sit in the living room speaking Russian, end credits.
28:50Copy video clip URL Tape appears to end, then Bart Friedman tells a story to a bored Mr. Ginsberg in front of his house.
30:18Copy video clip URL END OF TAPE
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