0:00Copy video clip URL Black, static.
0:32Copy video clip URL Flying Saucer clip from “Greetings from Lanesville” by the Videofreex. This segment features Tom Weinberg and Skip Blumberg playing flying saucer inspectors. This is a different edit from the version on the full “Greetings From Lanesville” tape. The Lanesville TV Show was broadcast out of the Catskills of New York in the 1970s.
7:55Copy video clip URL End. Static.
8:22Copy video clip URL “In Black and White. Report. State of the Movement.” by Nancy Cain. Cain takes us to the Little Miss 4th of July beauty contest. In this event, very young girls are judged on poise, personality, posture, neatness, and grooming. It’s a poignant and revealing commentary on contemporary values. The event and the sensibilities of its participants—adult and children–stand in distinct contradiction to the Women’s Movement and growing feminism evolving at the same time. It concludes with the winning contestant intercut with images of beauty contests on TV. Culturally significant early video.
24:37Copy video clip URL End. Static.
24:42Copy video clip URL “Oo oooh: Bart’s ‘Deep Throat’ Dream.” Bart Friedman goes about his everyday life tormented by the movie “Deep Throat” playing everywhere he looks.
31:46Copy video clip URL End. Static.
32:40Copy video clip URL Bad image problems in this section. Channel 11 pledge request.
33:39Copy video clip URL Promo for David Susskind show.
34:06Copy video clip URL Clips from “Four More Years.” Marty Robinson introduces FMY. Audio is very hard to understand. Talks about portable equipment’s advantages and technical shortcomings.
35:56Copy video clip URL Sid Davis of Group W talks about conventions and about TVTV. He asks for comments and says that they are showing the tape in the spirit of acknowledging different points of view. Brief clip from Four More Years.
38:06Copy video clip URL Static.
38:15Copy video clip URL WTTW Public Affairs Presentation. Clips from Four More Years.
43:45Copy video clip URL image problems – goes to static.
44:35Copy video clip URL Black.
44:39Copy video clip URL Marty Robinson interviews Tom Weinberg and Anda Korsts. Tom talks about 1/2″ equipment. Comparison of TV cameras and portable video cameras. Image problems at 46:08. They talk about technological advantages of portable equipment. Anda talks about the creative autonomy provided by the small cameras. They talk about TVTV.
51:24Copy video clip URL Image basically gone.
51:53Copy video clip URL Promo for Masterpiece Theatre.
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