[Halsted Street TV Show: Dragan performance]

The Halsted Street TV Show was a video project started by Tom Weinberg and Scott Jacobs. At a storefront on Halsted Street in Chicago, independent videomakers and artists held screenings and discussions of their work. Tonight features a live performance by Yugoslavian performance artist The Great Dragan, followed by a question and answer session.

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00:00Copy video clip URL The Halsted Street TV Show. Yugoslavian performance artist The Great Dragan prepares to perform in front of an audience. This involves first burying himself under thousands of pencils.

03:00Copy video clip URL Electronic Pencil #7 begins. Buried under the pencils, he then slowly rises up, slicing the pencils he was buried under and those glued to the wall with a sander, spraying audience members in the process.

09:45Copy video clip URL Dragan almost trips and slices Basil Talbot,and the audience begins to get angry.

11:13Copy video clip URL He begins to draw on the wall with the pencils, creating what appears to be a chicken or duckling of some sort. The audience laughs often.

14:17Copy video clip URL He slices his clothing with an electric drill and pounds both it and the sander against his drawing on the wall.

16:20Copy video clip URL The performance ends, people clap and call out comments.

17:35Copy video clip URL We go to another room after a short break for a question and answer session moderated by Tom Weinberg. Audio is hard to understand because few people talk into the microphone and Dragan has a strong accent. At times, Dragan gives mystifying answers to the audience’s questions, which seems to be due to language difficulties.

21:38Copy video clip URL Dragan answers a question about the humor in his work thinking that the man said “human.” Nevertheless, his answer comparing himself to a revered witch doctor makes little sense.

24:45Copy video clip URL A woman accuses Dragan of being destructive towards his audience and Weinberg immediately jumps to his defense, accusing the audience of being destructive. Dragan apparently harbors resentment to wards his audience for laughing during the performance, as he did not feel the piece had humor in it. This section is relatively interesting because of the tension between the artist and the audience.

27:09Copy video clip URL Weinberg asks Dragan how this Chicago audience, this American audience feels different to him from audiences in Europe. Two children in the front row are building a tower of pencils as Dragan continues to answer questions.



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