Main Credits
producer/director, Mark Freeman, Clair Schoen, Jack Wilson; cinematographer, Jack Wilson; sound, Claire Schoen; editor, Jennifer Chinlund; writer, Eugene Corr
1982Staff and Producer Comments
From Mark Freeman: "MAD RIVER is a portrait of a rural community facing environmental and economic disaster. Humboldt County is in the middle of the richest timberland in America. Redwoods 300 feet tall, 400 tons, 2,000 years old–the tallest trees in the world grow here. Once this forest seemed limitless. But over-cutting and the expansion of Redwood National Park have created a crisis in the redwoods. On one side are the environmentalists. On the other are two of the largest timber corporations in the country. Caught in the middle are thousands of timber workers, their families and a vanishing way of life. Funded in part by the Corporation for Public Television for a nationally broadcast series: Crisis-to-Crisis." More info at: Tape Format
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