0:00 Black
0:05 August 21, 1972. “Four More Years.” TVTV’s early coverage of the 1972 Republican National Convention. Youth for Nixon talk about how they have paid to be here, and have gone out of their way to be here. Organizer outlines how they’re going to serve cookies and get information out. Nixon accepts the nomination for presidency. Vietnam veterans scream to the camera about stopping the bombing, stopping the killing of women and children. The crowd claps along to music, balloons are dropped.
2:15 “Adland” by TVTV. George Lois, chairman, Lois, Holland, Callaway, New York, explains the power that comes from commercial production – “Poom! It’s like poison gas..Poom! That’s sensational. Oh yeah, that’s great.” Hudson Marquez feeds a Camel cigarette to a camel. “TV is a cannibalistic medium.”
4:55 The Spirit of McDonald’s. At the taping of a McDonalds commercial. Keith Reinhard (Needham, Harper, and Steers, in Chicago) talks about the giant set created for the shoot. “Ronald McDonald” talks to the camera about his experience as the legendary mascot.
6:38 “Rostenkowski.” Dan Rostenkowski gives a speech about how they’re doing their job. Talk of Mayor Daley and what a leader is.
8:15 “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” Bill Veeck tells a story about how the elephant got its trunk in a lively and smiling voice.
8:55 Ad for “Bill Veeck: A Man for Any Season.” Narrated by Mary Frances Veeck. Bill’s ups and downs, books, TV shows, nine children. His many skills. A complex man who never quits.
10:30 Ad for Radio Faces. Bob Collins drives to his radio show at
4:45 am on WGN-AM. DJs around Chicago, announcing call-letters, introducing themselves.
12:58 End of tape.
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