[Howard Zinn raw #63: Zinn speaks briefly about U.S. foreign policy]

Howard Zinn gives a talk at the University of Vermont.

[Continuation of Tape 19558].

0:03Copy video clip URL Open on Howard Zinn speaking at the University of Vermont. He is talking about the necessity for the United States to change its role in the world. He summarizes some of the points he has made throughout the speech and stops speaking. He invites Dennis Brutus to come onstage and speak. 

5:38Copy video clip URL Brutus comes onstage and talks about peace movements around the world. It is difficult to hear everything that he is saying. He also talks about the way the United States interacts with the rest of the world.

17:18Copy video clip URL Cut to audience members asking Zinn questions. Cuts from some of his first answers; he talks about human rights and international laws. 

19:25Copy video clip URL Cut to audience applauding Zinn. He moves down off the stage and starts to talk to audience members and to sign autographs. Several people thank him for the influence he has had on their lives, or ask him for advice in their own professions. Two girls invite him to eat dinner with them. 

41:00Copy video clip URL Zinn leaves to catch a flight back to Boston. Footage of them moving to the car.

44:26Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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