[Howard Zinn raw #79: B-roll from an anti-war protest]

Anti-War Rally Boston

00:08Copy video clip URL Camera opens in a car driving around. Cut to footage of a stage being set up. Cut to floats in a anti-war march. Floats and signs in the march. some people yelling and chanting. Some groups booing. Performance by the protestors with body movement, chanting, singing, signs, and figures. Some music plays. They protest for worker’s liberation all over the world. 

24:28Copy video clip URL Large group of protestors dancing to music.

26:00Copy video clip URL A memorial with the names of people who have been killed by war. Focus on the names and memorial. 

28:40Copy video clip URL Cut back to protestors marching with large signs and floats. Focus on the signs. Chanting. People on stilts. Marching performances. Seems to be some of the same footage as earlier in the tape. Marching.

46:25Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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