[Howard Zinn raw #84: B-roll of an anti-war protest in Vermont]

Anti-War Protest in Burlington, Vermont.

00:05Copy video clip URL The film opens with a shot of slalom ski course. Several sets of snowboarders traverse through the course, each set racing each other.

02:45Copy video clip URL The film goes black, as the lens is obscured.

03:40Copy video clip URL The lens is uncovered, and the camera continues to track sets of snowboarders traversing the slalom course.

05:00Copy video clip URL About 40 minutes of this tape seems to be somebody’s personal shots of their day snowboarding — not the promised political protest.

42:25Copy video clip URL The footage cuts to new scenes, this time of an anti-war protest in Burlington, Vermont. People mill around with signs, with the camera often cutting and zooming between different areas and different signs.

43:20Copy video clip URL One man holds a sign reading “Veteran again Iraq war” Drum music can be heard as people continue to mill around.

43:45Copy video clip URL Footage of an actual parade begins, with a flag dancer leading the parade. The band plays “As the Saints go Marching In”’

45:20Copy video clip URL Members of the Vermont performing arts group “Bread and Puppets” are shown in the parade, dressed in costumes used in their politically-motivated shows.

47:30Copy video clip URL More protestors continue to come through, chanting and waving signs as they go.

48:30Copy video clip URL The parade comes to a halt for a moment, and the shot pans around to show hundreds, perhaps thousands of protestors lined up.

52:00Copy video clip URL Members of the parade continue on, with the music, chanting, and signs all coming along with them.

57:55Copy video clip URL The video cuts to black, away from the parade.

58:00Copy video clip URL The video cuts rom black to a spread of Zinn’s books, and the camera slowly pans across them several times at varying speeds and zooms. 

1:02:00Copy video clip URL In one of these shots, Zinn’s play Emma is added to the pile, and in the next shot Marx in Soho is as well.

1:02:30Copy video clip URL The video cuts to black.

1:02:52Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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