[HSA Strike 1975 raw #1]

Raw footage for HSA Strike 1975. The strike began on October 27th, 1975, and lasted for 18 days—the longest and largest doctors' strike in the US. The strike was organized by the Housestaff Association (HSA), a union of residents and interns. They were protesting against the working conditions and poor facilities at Cook County Hospital, Chicago's only public hospital which mostly served the city's poor and uninsured. In this tape, workers meet to discuss the strike and the future of Cook County Hospital. Also includes footage on the street during the strike.

00:00Copy video clip URL Bars and tone. Static.

01:00Copy video clip URL Low light. Black and white video. A meeting is held by hospital workers about the threat of Cook County Hospital closing and the strike of doctors and hospital staff.

02:40Copy video clip URL Static.

02:52Copy video clip URL A repeat earlier footage.

04:43Copy video clip URL Various b-roll of the meeting. The videographer interviews a man from the University of Illinois Hospital. He says they heard about the strike and notes that the issues raised apply to all hospitals. The issues of patient care and working conditions are important to us all. Various b-roll of people congregating after the meeting, complaining, raising points about why the hospital is needed.

12:46Copy video clip URL Black. Static.

12:59Copy video clip URL Continued footage of the meeting. Various comments.

15:00Copy video clip URL The group questions whether or not a man from the Governor’s commission should be allowed to stay. As hospital workers, they were not allowed to attend commission meetings. They say they are suspicious of the man’s motives and want him to leave. They say this is a private meeting. The man at first refuses, but then relents.

25:27Copy video clip URL Static.

25:33Copy video clip URL Continued footage of the meeting, various sound bites and discussion on how to prevent layoffs from happening.

27:12Copy video clip URL Black. Static.

27:18Copy video clip URL Continued footage, sound bites. Someone argues that people have the right to come to County Hospital, their tax money is paying for it.

36:25Copy video clip URL Cut to another moment in the meeting, continued b-roll. A man vents about how the workers are worse off then the patients. A woman says to fight layoff you need to have workers uniting from all departments.

42:40Copy video clip URL Static.

42:48Copy video clip URL Continued footage. A man talks about creating preventative measures.

44:34Copy video clip URL Black.

44:44Copy video clip URL Continued meeting footage, various sound bites recorded mid-speech.

47:59Copy video clip URL Change of location. Street interview with people about the doctors and hospital workers’ strike. A woman says if the union gets together and cooperates the strike will be successful.

49:55Copy video clip URL A man says he is for the strike.

51:00Copy video clip URL B-roll of the strike, doctors picketing.

55:59Copy video clip URL Repeat of the complete statement from the earlier man who supports the strike.

56:40Copy video clip URL END.



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