This tape features footage from a women's art show with audio of poetry readings by women.
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00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with a blue screen.
00:20Copy video clip URL Fade into footage from the art show. A narrator states that the piece was created by two women from Raindance Foundation and shot at Women’s Interart Center in New York City.
00:55Copy video clip URL Various poets read their works aloud as footage from in and around the art show rolls on screen. The artwork depicted on screen seems to be directly related to the content of the poetry being read. We see numerous sculptures, paintings, and photographs that reinforce the subject matter projected by the artists. The poets cover various women’s issues such as sexual liberation, patriarchal archetypes and feminist oppression, and the dichotomy between the sexes. This lasts for the remainder of the tape.
10:50Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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