Hour long compilation episode of Image Union featuring "Busia and Cioc" by Valjean McLenighan, "Newsquake" by Warren Leming and Nate Herman, scenes from "Think Twice" by Ruiz Bevis Community TV Class, "Going Shopping" by Andrew Aaron, "Beach Ball Boogie" by Annette Barbier, "Phoneme Frolics" by Dana Hogdon, "Silly Geese," "The White Rock Blues" by Sally and Ray Cioni, scenes from "Making it in Hollywood" by Frank Cavestani, "Listen, Santa" by Lilly Ollinger, and "Teagarden" by Dana Hodgdon.
00:00Copy video clip URL Image Union opening.
01:00Copy video clip URL “Busia and Cioc” by Valjean McLenighan. Valjean visits two of her elderly relatives in their apartment and interviews them about the old days and their experiences as immigrants.
05:56Copy video clip URL “Newsquake” comedy segment, created by Warren Leming and Nate Herman. Starring Tom Alderman, Miriam Flynn, Nate Herman, Warren Leming, and Joe Mantegna. A spoof news show. “Chicago’s new spectacle.” In addition to other goofy Chicago-related gags, Mantegna reads report that Alds. Roman Pucinski and Vito Marzullo have challenged each other to a spelling contest, the winner of which will be the first who can spell his own name. In the middle of the report, the famous Picasso statue of Daley Plaza lifts off the ground and flies through the air.
10:43Copy video clip URL Scenes from “Think Twice” by Ruiz Belvis Community TV Class (led by Denise Zaccardi). Interview with woman on the street about men’s responsibilities in child-rearing. Man is interviewed about his feelings about the subject. Police officer gives his opinion as a father. We interview a young single mother.
14:39Copy video clip URL “Going Shopping” by Andrew Aaron. Stop motion film footage of people in a grocery store.
16:09Copy video clip URL Old 16mm film from Thanksgiving 1928 in Glencoe. Tom Weinberg’s family.
17:06Copy video clip URL Image Union re-opening.
17:34Copy video clip URL “Beach Ball Boogie” by Annette Barbier. Image Processor.
20:33Copy video clip URL Interview with department store employee about how to treat store employees during the holidays. By Lilly Ollinger.
21:34Copy video clip URL “Phenome Frolics” by Dana Hodgdon. Prologue about linguistic experiments. Outline of film. The Elements. All of the sounds that can be made with the English language. 46 Phonemes. People make the sound of each one. The sounds are used to make words and sentences.
32:20Copy video clip URL “Silly Geese.” Shots of flight – birds, astronauts.
33:24Copy video clip URL Counterpoint Films presents “The White Rock Blues” by Sally and Ray Cioni. Animation. Creature turns white rocks into blue rocks. Creature complains about his hatred for his job and decides to quit. He meets some giant creatures who heave orange boulders and finds he cannot do their job. He then meets a man who thinks up complicated mathematical formulas, but cannot do this job either. Neither can he push rocks under water. He finally meets someone who cannot do his job, so he realizes how important it is for him to do it.
43:05Copy video clip URL Scenes from “Making it in Hollywood” by Frank Cavestani. We tour celebrity homes in Hollywood, including Jack Benny’s and Lucille Ball’s husband’s. Interview with Shelley Winters and Sally Kirkland. Winters advises the younger actress about her acting career. We see Kirkland on a shoot. Director talks about success in acting.
51:54Copy video clip URL “Listen, Santa” by Lilly Ollinger, Cindy Neal, and Jane Siegal. Kids are interviewed about what they want for Christmas in front of the Roosevelt Theater. Ollinger is interviewed – she wants new deck, tapes.
53:27Copy video clip URL Miami promo. The Sun is Alive and Living in Miami.
54:10Copy video clip URL Teagarden by Dana Hodgdon. Film footage of mournful looking woman who lip-syncs old blues song.
56:55Copy video clip URL End Credits.
58:03Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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