Image Union, episode 0211

This episode of Image Union is a remake of Image Union #1. See

0:28Copy video clip URL Image Union opening.

1:08Copy video clip URL Footage of a 1968 press conference held by Mayor Richard J. Daley about the protests in Lincoln Park during the Democratic National Convention. He makes one of his famous blunders: “The policeman isn’t there to create disorder. The policeman is there to preserve disorder.” He defends the actions of the policemen who had attacked protesters.

2:33Copy video clip URL Excerpts from “Now We Live On Clifton” by Kartemquin Films. Footage of a self-defense class for girls, plus interviews with some of the girls about the importance of the skills they are learning.

7:47Copy video clip URL German commercial for Chiquita bananas. While a train passes into a tunnel, a priest eats an old woman’s delicious banana.

8:19Copy video clip URL “Chicago Blues” by Jim Passin and Nancy Grosse. Color video. At Else Where blues bar and restaurant at Clark Street and Belmont Ave, Bonnie Lee and Big Time Sarah sing a Chicago-style blues song with drums and piano accompaniment. Sunnyland Slim takes the stage and entices the crowd to dance before belting out a couple verses. The audience appears to be a young, mostly white, hippyish crowd. Camera by Jim Passin and Mirko Popadic, lighting by Jim Morrissette.

13:23Copy video clip URL Jane Veeder video art segment featuring black and white electronically processed images and voiceover. “I don’t want you to think this is the first time I’ve ever been on television.”

14:06Copy video clip URL “Electronic Masks” by Barbara Sykes, from “Eve III, 1978.” Color video art segment featuring processed images and tribal-sounding percussion. The images are reminiscent of Native American totem poles.

19:14Copy video clip URL In a 1961 press conference, Richard J. Daley announces his candidacy for mayor. “I am proud to say I am a Democrat. I believe in the philosophy and program of the Democratic Party. If elected mayor of the city of Chicago I shall be the mayor of all the people.”

19:55Copy video clip URL “Newsquake” comedy segment, created by Warren Leming and Nate Herman. Starring Tom Alderman, Miriam Flynn, Nate Herman, Warren Leming, and Joe Mantegna. A spoof news show. “Chicago’s news spectacle.” In addition to other goofy Chicago-related gags, Mantegna reads report that Alds. Roman Pucinski and Vito Marzullo have challenged each other to a spelling contest, the winner of which will be the first who can spell his own name. In the middle of the report, the famous Picasso statue of Daley Plaza lifts off the ground and flies through the air.

23:11Copy video clip URL “Television Delivers People” by Richard Serra & Carlota Fay Schoolman. Text scrolls onscreen while benign-sounding Muzak plays in the background. In simple sentences, the text informs us about the true role of television: “Television delivers people to an advertiser.” “Mass media delivers masses of people, at least twenty million per minute.” “The television watcher is a product, which is consumed by advertisers.” “Corporations that own stations control them.” etc.

29:27Copy video clip URL Image Union closing.



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