Twp part Image Union episode featuring "30 Candles Burning" by Curtis Fisher and "Fistful of Death" by Motiaytis Van Pelt.
0:00Copy video clip URL Image Union opening.
0:55Copy video clip URL “30 Candles Burning” by Curtis Fisher. High production Super 8mm color film. (That is how it is described by the narrator). Artsy film about a man on his 30th birthday whose life falls apart. We watch him slowly go insane, which we understand through constant closeups of his face, weird lighting, and ghostly sound effects. Dialogue is hard to understand. Feels like a student film.
25:00Copy video clip URL “Fistful of Death” by Motiaytis Van Pelt. Color Film. Parody of a Western with Ennio Morricone music (the music from the final scene in “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”). Cowboy walks around the suburbs shooting random people. Funny.
28:00Copy video clip URL Image Union credits.
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