Compilation episode of Image Union featuring "Dan Sandin" by Christine de Lignieres, "Video Junkins" by Nancy Simon Harris, and "Duck and Cover."
0:00Copy video clip URL Image Union opening.
0:38Copy video clip URL “Dan Sandin” by Christine de Lignieres. Color video. Sandin is interviewed showing his equipment and processing the video of the interview. He describes his work process, which always begins with shooting a sacred place. He talks about his collaboration with Tom DeFanti for computer animation. Sandin sees his image processing machine as a tool to help people learn about images. He talks about his commitment to keep information about the image processor as an oral tradition instead of a written tradition. He feels that the lack of explanation of the machine keeps it situated as a medium for experimentation. Audio is a little muddy.
19:19Copy video clip URL “Video Junkies” by Nancy Simon Harris. Color video. Documentary about “video junkies” – people who obsessively collect video playing equipment. Sound levels change a little erratically.
26:12Copy video clip URL “Duck and Cover.” ’50s civil defense film cut with other political material.
28:08Copy video clip URL Image Union end credits.
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