Image Union, episode 0230: Four More Years

Image Union episode featuring an excerpt from "Four More Years" by TVTV, a documentary taped at the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami Beach, FL. The tape focuses on several aspects of the convention, including the support Nixon received from young Republicans, the media coverage of the event, and the protests inside and outside of the convention. The end result of the spectacle was the nomination of Richard Nixon for President and Spiro Agnew for Vice President.

00:00Copy video clip URL Image Union opening.

00:37Copy video clip URL Excerpt from “Four More Years” by TVTV, a documentary taped at the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami Beach, FL. The tape focuses on several aspects of the convention, including the support Nixon received from young Republicans, the media coverage of the event, and the protests inside and outside of the convention. The end result of the spectacle was the nomination of Richard Nixon for President and Spiro Agnew for Vice President.

00:55Copy video clip URL “Right on, Mr. President.” A young woman exclaims “Yee-haw, right on!” while other Nixon supporters chant “Four More Years.”

01:42Copy video clip URL Pro- and Anti-Nixon cheers are contrasted. “Hey hey ho ho Tricky Dicky’s gotta go!” “Hey hey what do you say, Nixon, Nixon all the way.”

02:46Copy video clip URL “These young people really believe in the president.” A campaign worker for Nixon talks about young Nixon supporters and their dedication.

04:14Copy video clip URL Governor Ronald Reagan speaks to the young Republicans. He criticizes other youth movements for causing violence and breaking windows.

05:05Copy video clip URL “Get to Know a Nixonette” A young Miami woman describes her involvement. She got involved through a sorority at the University of Miami. Scenes from a social.

08:11Copy video clip URL An interview with Tricia and Julie Nixon. One of them talks about her plans to travel the country in support of her father. “If you like people, you can’t be bored.” The other criticizes the anti-war protestors for “standing up for something negative.”

11:06Copy video clip URL Behind-the-scenes with the media at the Republican National Convention. “It looks like a very plastic, packaged kind of thing with very little spontaneity.” Most of the coverage reporters find it dull because of the way the floor is divided between the different anchors. “I think I might rather watch it at home. Honest.”

14:45Copy video clip URL “The Republican convention drag.” One of the filmmakers plays the harmonica on the convention floor.

15:57Copy video clip URL Someone asks Ronald Reagan about Walter Cronkite sitting down during Monday night’s rendition of the national anthem. “Call me a square if you want to, but I’ve never [heard the national anthem] without just getting a glow…”

17:10Copy video clip URL Walter Cronkite defends himself. He is patriotic, but he is also a working journalist who has to do his job. People don’t understand that.

18:36Copy video clip URL “I don’t think we have poverty in this country. I think if you want to, you can get a job.” A man expresses anti-miscegenation views. He says he doesn’t have a problem living near black people, but that the children will be harmed if a white person and a black person marry.

19:20Copy video clip URL A man plays The Battle Hymn of the Republic on a violin while people in painted faces and costumes stand outside the convention.

21:00Copy video clip URL A young man advocates for unleashing the National Guard on the protestors. Convention-goers express their concern about the protestors trying to keep people from entering the convention.

22:24Copy video clip URL A protestor plays the Star-spangled Banner on a bugle, while on the inside, the anthem is sung by the all in attendance with full accompaniment.

23:38Copy video clip URL President Richard Nixon accepts the nomination for President of the United States.

24:00Copy video clip URL Protestors chant “Stop the war. Stop the bombing.” They are Vietnam veterans against the war.

25:40Copy video clip URL Balloons are released in celebration while “Seventy-six Trombones” plays. People chant “Four More Years!”

26:30Copy video clip URL A shot of the empty convention center, zooming out to a black TV screen. Credits.

27:44Copy video clip URL Image Union closing.



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