Image Union, episode 0214: International Women’s Day

This episode of Image Union is in honor of International Women's Day. Works include "Festival De Mujeres" by Eleanor Boyer and Karen Peugh and "La Llaronda" by Nancy de los Santos, Librado Martinez III, Eugene Lisansky, and Jeff Chown.

0:00Copy video clip URL Image Union opening.

0:46Copy video clip URL “Festival De Mujeres,”June 30, 1979, by Eleanor Boyer and Karen Peugh. Color video. Documentary about a women’s festival in Chicago’s predominantly Latinx Pilsen neighborhood. Salima Rivera reads several of her poems, one is an ode to Pilsen, another dedicated to women searching for their sons after the Allende government in Chile was overthrown. There are silkscreening and ceramics workshops, plus art activities for kids, and booths selling posters and t-shirts. Traditional Mexican foods are sold, such as pineapple water. There is also an interview with Malu Ortega y Alberro, famed muralist and art educator, describing her program at the Casa Aztlan, and the mural she is about to paint on Benito Juarez Academy High School, which had just opened. This festival was organized with Mujeres Latinas en Acción, the anti-domestic-violence organization that was started by women in Pilsen. The tape closes with a poem read in Spanish over still photographs of the festival.

14:54Copy video clip URL “La Llaronda” by Nancy de los Santos, Librado Martinez III, Eugene Lisansky, and Jeff Chown. Black and white film. Based on a Chicano folktale, this film re-enacts the legend of a woman who drowned her three children rather than allow her abusive husband to take them from her. She forever haunted waterways searching for her dead children.

19:27Copy video clip URL Image Union end credits.



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