Video portrait of Las Vegas in the late 1970's.
0:00Copy video clip URL Slate.
0:11Copy video clip URL Start of program. Image Union opening sequence.
0:55Copy video clip URL “Las Vegas: Last Oasis in America”, by Joel Gold and Maxi Cohen. Excited crowd watches fireworks, folks dance to country western music.
2:08Copy video clip URL Title. Brief interviews with various people at pools and casinos about Las Vegas.
3:43Copy video clip URL Liberace Museum. Liberace’s brother gives a tour of some items in the museum, including Liberace’s first Rolls Royce, and tells us about his brother’s meeting with the Pope.
7:24Copy video clip URL More interviews with people about Las Vegas.
09:52Copy video clip URL Two little leaguers share words of advice about gambling responsibly.
10:55Copy video clip URL Three older people at a slot machine.
12:10Copy video clip URL Binny and Ted Binion on Binion’s Horseshoe, a popular casino.
12:37Copy video clip URL “Exciting” montage of Las Vegas lights and sights playing to disco music.
13:33Copy video clip URL Harry Eisner gives rundown of who’s who at the Caesar’s palace pool. Named are Lynn Swan from the Stealers and prominent heart transplant researcher Dr. Stuart Fischer. Professional tennis players are also present.
15:08Copy video clip URL Man at the Nevada School of Dealing tells a funny story about a casino employee.
15:50Copy video clip URL Ralph Pearl, gossip columnist, tells about Frank Sinatra and Murray Schwartz gambling at Caesar’s Palace.
17:08Copy video clip URL Actress Debbie Reynolds on meeting Howard Hughs and Nick the Greek.
18:00Copy video clip URL Montage of Las Vegas scenes accompanied by loungey soul music.
22:33Copy video clip URL Daytime shot of Las Vegas from afar.
22:46Copy video clip URL “Las Vegas: Last Oasis in America” credits.
23:05Copy video clip URL Image Union closing, “Media Burn” footage by Ant Farm.
24:22Copy video clip URL End Image Union.
24:29Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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