Image Union, episode 0022: Nuclear

Nuclear Illinois by Lily Ollinger. A compilation of short pieces examining the dangers of nuclear power in Illinois. It includes anti-nuclear PSAs, various interviews with real anti-nuclear activists and supporters, and those exploring alternative power sources, such as solar energy.

00:04Copy video clip URL “You’re looking at the world’s biggest nuclear power plant, the sun. It’s 93 million miles away, about how far a nuclear power plant should be to be safe.” Montage of people speaking out against the use of nuclear energy.

00:52Copy video clip URL Image Union intro.

01:34Copy video clip URL Piece from an Atomic Energy Commission Film.

02:26Copy video clip URL “Nuclear Illinois.” A satirical short featuring a “spokesman” from a power company extolling the virtues of the three nuclear power plants near Chicago.

05:30Copy video clip URL Black and white footage of anti-nuclear activists marching in Chicago, 1979. Marvin Israel and other activists speak to the camera man about the damage they fear will be done through the use of nuclear power.

08:14Copy video clip URL At the march, Joyce Stoller from Citizens Against Nuclear Power and Dr. Quentin Young makes speeches.

09:47Copy video clip URL Valjean McLenighan interviews William J. Scott, Illinois’ Attorney General about the government’s regulations on nuclear waste.

11:08Copy video clip URL “Don’t gamble with nuclear power.” Anti-nuclear PSA from San Fransisco featuring a card dealer at a casino talking about the odds of a nuclear disaster.

12:05Copy video clip URL Dick Gregory speaks at a large rally in Washington D.C, 1979. “What we’re doing here today is more important than the Vietnamese War, it’s more important than dealing with racism, sexism, hunger, cause I can feel hunger, I can see war, I can feel racism, I can feel sexism. I cannot feel radiation, I cannot smell radiation, I cannot hear radiation. I look around one day and I am dead!”

13:18Copy video clip URL Continuation of “Nuclear Illinois.” Our spokesman gives some “real” facts about three major nuclear power plants in Illinois (Zion, Dresden, and Bailey) while also describing their many safety violations. “In the end what are you really concerned with, the safety of some intangible future, or having your TV stay on?”

17:19Copy video clip URL Barry Commoner speaks at the rally in Washington, “The day the solar age was born…”

17:52Copy video clip URL Footage of a solar home being constructed in Illinois. The owners and builders of the house speak about the benefits of solar power as they give a tour of their energy efficient home.

23:02Copy video clip URL Argonne Scientists Ted Postal and George Stanford speak about nuclear warheads. “The foreign policy of this country is aimed at propagating nuclear weapons as a means of influencing the world.”

24:52Copy video clip URL Continuation of the Atomic Energy Commission film.

25:18Copy video clip URL Anti-nuclear PSA about plutonium. Followed by a list of Chicago area groups involved in anti-nuclear activism.

26:44Copy video clip URL Credits. A band plays at a no nukes rally as the credits roll.

27:55Copy video clip URL Image Union credits.



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