In the Eye of a Storm

Roman Catholic Church Scandal in 2002

00:52Copy video clip URL The video begins with white lettering on a black screen. It reads, “In 2002 a sexual abuse scandal rocked the American Roman Catholic Church.”

2:16Copy video clip URL In Cincinnati, Ohio 42 men were studying to be priest during the most difficult time in the Roman Catholic Church. All around the world priests were being accused and filing resignations. 

3:50Copy video clip URL Scott Stikey is interviewed. He talks about the strict admission process in becoming a Roman Catholic Priest.

8:00Copy video clip URL On the contrary, Carol Marin interviews another Roman Catholic Priest with a different lifestyle than that of Scott. 

11:25Copy video clip URL In the first 5 years, 15-20% of priests resign. The Reason? Celibacy.

12:00Copy video clip URL Carol Marin interviews three men studying to be priests. They discuss their vows.

14:30Copy video clip URL Celibacy is a major part of being a priest yet, human sexuality is hardly ever mentioned. 

15:08Copy video clip URL Dr. Dean Hoge interviewed. He is one of the most notable scholars studying priesthood. 

16:57Copy video clip URL There are 63 million roman catholic churches which have been engaging in difficult conversations. 

17:03Copy video clip URL In 2002, 1200 priests accused of sexual abuse. Over 400 priests retired or quit since January 2002 because of the scandal. 

19:12Copy video clip URL Discussion of homosexuality in the seminary. Sexuality rarely disclosed to others. 

22:15Copy video clip URL The three men studying have their ceremony. As a result, they become deacons. 

22:52Copy video clip URL Average age entering seminary; 1950 age 14 and 2002 age 32

24:14Copy video clip URL In the seminary, part of studying included showings of classic movies of the roman catholic church to emphasis all of who they serve and represent.

26:06Copy video clip URL Today, 14 year old children no longer admitted. The youngest individual is 23, the oldest is 51.

28:48Copy video clip URL Decree on Child Protection. As a result, they cannot hug children.

35:15Copy video clip URL Carol Marin asks priests about loneliness.

35:47Copy video clip URL In 1999 there were 4800 seminarians in the U.S. By 2002, that number dropped to 3400.

38:23Copy video clip URL There is great pressure on American Priests. As a result, many leave the seminary.

47:37Copy video clip URL First archdiocese convicted of a crime.

51:02Copy video clip URL End of Tape.









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