[Inside Spring Training raw #16]

Raw footage for "Inside Spring Training." This tape features footage of Bill Veeck and his White Sox management colleagues in a hotel room in Sarasota, Florida during a bout of rainy weather at spring training. Motel Fever #3.

00:00Copy video clip URL Veeck and colleagues continue to brainstorm options such as Houston or New Orleans, in order for the White Sox to work out during spring training. Their workouts have been postponed for four days due to rainy weather in Florida.

01:40Copy video clip URL Roland Hemond gets on the phone, trying to find an efficiency apartment.

04:32Copy video clip URL Veeck requests to see Kojak on the television. They then continue commiserating and joking about their inability to get an airplane.

07:50Copy video clip URL Hemond recalls the story of how he and Veeck went down to the field, and while Veeck climbed the fence, Hemond simply opened the gate and walked right in. They continue to discuss Houston as an option.

13:05Copy video clip URL Another staffer comes in announcing that there’s a flight at

8:30Copy video clip URL in the morning to Houston. At the same time, Hemond gets on the phone to see if the Astrodome is available for the White Sox to work out.

17:35Copy video clip URL Hemond reports that the Astrodome is not an option due to a rodeo being held there.

20:00Copy video clip URL Veeck gets on the phone while the others discuss the condition of the White Sox players, noting that so many of the players are in good shape.

22:10Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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