Tom Weinberg and Tom Finerty's edit of Jane Byrne's Easter Celebration at Cabrini Green. Shot for "Ambassadors of Cabrini." Footage of an Easter celebration held by Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne at Cabrini Green, where she was temporarily living at the time. The tape begins with Byrne trying to lead the crowd in religious songs. However, after a short period of footage of Byrne's official program, the camera turns to a large group of protesters (presumably Cabrini Green residents) who are angry at Byrne for her policies towards African-Americans, shouting, "We need jobs, not eggs!" In a widely publicized PR stunt, Byrne had briefly taken up residence in Cabrini Green, the notorious housing project. The protesters are almost immediately beaten by the police and taken to jail. The remainder of the tape is the crew's attempt to understand what happened and locate the jailed demonstrators.
00:07Copy video clip URL Tape begins with b-roll of Cabrini Green exterior and the Easter celebration stage. A gospel group is singing. Tape cuts to various faces in the crowd, including Jane Byrne’s, clapping.
00:51Copy video clip URL A man compares Byrne to Moses from the Bible story.
01:35Copy video clip URL Byrne leads the crowd in singing along to the Hallelujah Chorus.
03:14Copy video clip URL Byrne sings more hymns.
03:57Copy video clip URL Protestors hold negative signs about Byrne’s recent move to Cabrini-Green and chant, “We need jobs, not eggs!” and “Jane Byrne is Ku Klux Klan.”
04:50Copy video clip URL Police begin to forcibly break up the crowd, arresting individuals. Members of the crowd attempt to intervene to no avail.
06:11Copy video clip URL An argument erupts between community members and the police regarding an individual’s arrest. Members of the crowd demand to know the charges which are not given. Some are arrested as well. Tom Weinberg attempts to get quotes from the people involved.
08:59Copy video clip URL Cut to an interview with activist Marion Stamps: “That woman [Byrne] wants to destroy black manhood in this city and all over this country. That’s why we came out here to protest what she was doing, because it’s wrong. She’s destroying the minds of our babies and our people.” Various bystanders summarize the scene as well as the protesters’ grievances against Byrne. These interviewees include Lu Palmer, chairman of Chicago Organization of Black Communities.
12:26Copy video clip URL Palmer: “I was not shocked because it happens all the time.”
13:14Copy video clip URL Footage of police station. A policeman says the charges are probably “disorderly, but they’re waiting to confirm it’s possible mob action.” A woman speaks with the police to get the people released.
16:05Copy video clip URL Back at the Easter celebration. The band is playing “Celebration” as the camera zooms in on a cross with Easter lilies.
16:43Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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