This video shows an extremely long interview with the director of Home for the Homeless in Los Angeles. Despite his organization he seems more interested with the problem of racism.
0:00Copy video clip URL Open up on a man walking up exterior stairs. Meet two men who are introduced to Judith Binder, the videomaker, and they go inside where there is a sign on a desk that says “Justiceville Los Angeles.” They are apparently going to visit an encampment that only the homeless and those who work with homeless know about. The man is apparently a homeless worker who “discriminates [on who gets food] based on…the people who are forming communities.” There is apparently an epidemic of homelessness that no one is paying attention to. Binder mics the man in charge and he starts talking about the problems with racism and homelessness. He is well spoken on the issues but focuses a lot on the Black leadership with regards to homelessness, honing in on the fact that 57% of the countable homeless population is black. He then talks about the Kurd situation and how that empowers the president to help the homeless situation by sending MASH units and military food units. They are apparently in contact with the president and have three requests: a once-weekly fast to make everyone aware, resources to send to the ghettos and barrios, as well as MASH units and military food units. “I hope that controversy swells up in this nation.” He seems to conflate the problems of racism and homelessness.
37:00Copy video clip URL The man introduces the habitats for the homeless (their organization is Home for the Homeless). Talks about the cheapness and practicality of their design, where two people can live comfortably in a geodesic dome that costs $1000. He talks about their plans for transitional housing which are detailed and complex.
49:58Copy video clip URL Switch to exterior shots of LA where the man shows several different properties that he’d like to make in to transitional housing. He talks about wanting a domestic Peace Corps.
58:15Copy video clip URL They exit the car and go into a homeless community where most of the people express a desire to not be filmed. The man in charge is audible because of the attached mic. Binder then exits the van and takes shots of the community.
1:20:06Copy video clip URL The group returns to the car they see a few more encampments and the man in charge of Home for the Homeless begins talking about almost the entirety of the liberal agenda. He talks for quite some time about how men need to get vasectomies in order to respect women. He also talks about the problems with welfare. He continues talking for the rest of the video.
2:03:17Copy video clip URL Video ends.
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