Operation P.U.S.H and the people
1:45Copy video clip URL Reverend Jackson encourages agitation/confrontation.
3:28Copy video clip URL Barbara Reynolds talks about her book on Jesse Jackson. She says that economic contracts contribute to Operation Push, and to the poor he gives hope.
10:58Copy video clip URL Reverend Jackson says there is an obligation to criticize. The triple obligation is to be ethnic, ethical and excellent. Objective criticism produces growth.
12:24Copy video clip URL Barbara Reynolds says that there is no real conflict in rising black leaders, but instead white Americas desire to have one black leader which will be Reverend Jesse Jackson. He controls white money and has the most influence.
13:15Copy video clip URL A black leader cannot deliver much help but they can raise hope.
19:25Copy video clip URL Jackson prepares for a meeting with Edwin Bill Berry, Operation Push local Board Chairman, and Leon Finney, head of the Woodlawn organization is also present to discuss the Chicago school controversy. They review potential strategies.
23:15Copy video clip URL In order to implement solutions program, leadership and money must be considered simultaneously.
24:31Copy video clip URL Before Jackson’s evening meeting he meets with Dempsey Travis and James H. Blair. They discuss making plans to get minorities involved.
26:49Copy video clip URL Bill Thurston, PUSH housing director.
27:20Copy video clip URL Civilians share their thoughts on Reverend Jackson.
31:35Copy video clip URL Francis Davis, Director of Community Services.
33:18Copy video clip URL Celious Henderson, P.U.S.H Expo Chairman.
35:00Copy video clip URL Reverend Jackson talks about P.U.S.H and the different groups of people congregating.
36:46Copy video clip URL Jack O’Dell, Director of National Expansion. P.U.S.H is expanding across the country, specifically targeting urban centers since this is where the problems are most acute and have the most potential for movement to arise.
37:56Copy video clip URL P.U.S.H is a dedicated group of volunteers. Discussion of an exhibit that displays the black family.
43:00Copy video clip URL Reverend Jackson preaches.
55:55Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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