[Joan Jett Blakk announces candidacy for president]

Joan Jett Blakk announces her candidacy for president at Ann Sather restaurant and the Berlin nightclub on Belmont Avenue in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood.

00:00Copy video clip URL Joan Jett Blakk hosts a press conference at an Ann Sather restaurant, and fields questions from supporters and journalists about her upcoming run for president in the Queer Nation party.

01:08Copy video clip URL The audience asks who Blakk will choose as a running mate. “We’re working on that. I’ll need a woman–a woman from not this part of the country, so it’s not too regional. But we’re looking.”

09:51Copy video clip URL Blakk mingles with supporters over champagne and birthday cake.

13:33Copy video clip URL Videomaker Bill Stamets interviews a man wearing a “Joan Jett Blakk for President” pin. “We’ve never had an open and honest queer even attempt to run as president. That’s what Joan is doing, and that’s what I respect most about her–her honesty and self-awareness.”

16:08Copy video clip URL Stamets interviews Gabriel Gomez, director of the documentary “Lick Bush in ’92” about Joan Jett Blakk.

19:35Copy video clip URL Footage of Joan Jett Blakk walking down Belmont avenue to Berlin.

21:25Copy video clip URL The MC at Berlin introduces Joan Jett Blakk and explains the significance of her campaign. “Queers represent about 25 million Americans, and we don’t have any representation in Washington that’s visible and that counts for us.”

23:19Copy video clip URL Joan Jett Blakk gives a campaign speech. “A change in symbols is not enough. If queer images are merely plugged into the old ways, then they, too, will function as agents of oppression.” She pokes fun at 20th century presidents, especially Ronald Reagan–“If a bad actor can be elected president, why not a good drag queen?”

27:05Copy video clip URL Joan Jett Blakk officially announces her candidacy for president. “You might think we’re joking. Well, I’m sorry, but I think the fact that the US is the only industrialized country without national healthcare is a joke.” She outlines her campaign promises and takes questions from the audience.

36:26Copy video clip URL Joan Jett Blakk stars in a parody of Charlie’s Angels. Joan is Charlie and recruits the angels to be her bodyguards on the campaign trail. At the end of the skit, the theme song plays while Blakk dances and sings for the audience. “I wear the gown in this town / I’m a boy mostly, when I want to be / women’s clothes expose my masculinity.”

42:55Copy video clip URL Members of Queer Nation sing a “12 Days of Christmas” parody in honor of Blakk’s birthday.

48:04Copy video clip URL End of tape.


1 Comment

  1. Kevin McCarthy says:

    Joan was a friend of mine in the 1990’s and I have never forgotten her. She defines the term “fabulous”. She’s a take no prisoners, in your face, fearless drag queen with a big heart and an irrestible smile. I absolutely love her and I think about her frequently. I miss her terribly. It would be wonderful to see her video.

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