This video contains footage from a Jody Procter Memorial Event that took place in Los Angeles, CA in the summer of 1998. We watch as filmmaker Tom Weinberg documents his trip and the memorial service.
00:00Copy video clip URL The video begins with a shot of Paul Krassner as he says a few words about Jody Procter.
02:04Copy video clip URL Another woman begins to share a story about Procter. “There’s not any place in our lives or our hearts that aren’t profoundly imprinted with Jody.” This lasts for a couple of minutes.
04:15Copy video clip URL Another friend of Procter’s stands up and begins to talk about him. “Well I always feel that Jody really was the juice of life in him–he really knew how to get to the juice.” He shares some of his fondest memories of Proctor.
07:38Copy video clip URL A number of people in attendance share their feelings about Procter. One person reads a poem aloud about him. Actor Dick Marcus shares an amusing story about working with Procter. He goes on to say, “[Jody] was such a curious human being and to me it was really a spiritual curiousness…”HE was able to heal people. More than anything I feel that I miss Jody Procter because of his healing abilities. He was able to touch people and give them a reason to live and a reason to be and more than anything I miss his ability to heal.”
14:34Copy video clip URL A woman talks about her time spent with Procter and his wife Kit. She goes on to read a poem. Krassner stands up and says a few words after the woman finishes reading the poem. A few other people make a couple short comments about Procter. This lasts for several minutes.
20:08Copy video clip URL An attendee named Mike talks about his shared experiences with Procter. He comments on his being taught by Procter in a writing class at UCLA.
22:30Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of Procter’s picture. Those in attendance sing “Amazing Grace” and “Oh Danny Boy.” Weinberg continues to gather footage while this takes place. This lasts for several minutes.
26:14Copy video clip URL Those in attendance walk over to the edge of a cliff and into the ocean to take part in a final prayer. Afterward, each person drives a golf ball off of the cliff in remembrance of Procter. Weinberg continues to gather footage of the event. This lasts for the majority of the tape.
47:00Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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